Take A Deep Breath (Start Over)

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Ao3 by : ineedmygirl

Summary :

“It’s not a good day.” Yoongi whispers as the early morning light starts to spill into the room.

“The day hasn’t even started yet.”

“I don’t want it to.”

Taehyung wishes he could stop the passage of time to make Yoongi happy.


Taehyung walks into the top level of the penthouse suite and finds Yoongi standing in front of the huge window of a wall, just staring out at the rain.

Yoongi’s back is to him, but Taehyung can see the slight tremble in his frame as he fights against every cell in his body to stay standing, stay solid, stay composed. Taehyung approaches slowly, making sure his footsteps are loud enough that he doesn’t scare the smaller man.

“She’s crying.” Yoongi’s voice is as tight and tense as his body.

Taehyung itches to reach out to him, to crush those rigid angles and grind them into fine powder until Yoongi is molded completely against him, completely within his arms and safe.


Yoongi traces a single raindrop as it slides down the glass.

“Seoul. The city. She’s crying.”

“She has every right to. She lost one of her children today.”

Yoongi nods his head, just once, and puts both of his hands into his pockets.

Taehyung steals a glance at him out of the corner of his eye, not wanting Yoongi to feel watched in this moment, but not wanting him to be alone either.

The elder is so fair in the muted evening sunlight, hidden behind the clouds and reflected off of the scattered raindrops. His white blonde hair hangs into his eyes, contrasting with his sharp black lashes.

It was combed so carefully earlier that day, parted in the middle and pushed back from his forehead. Now it hangs in disarray, like an angel who’s been put through the battlefield.

“None of them know.” Yoongi’s voice is hardly more than a hoarse whisper as he leans closer to the window, staring down at the crowds of people milling the busy streets below.

“Sometimes living as part of the ignorant flock has its perks, I suppose.”

A tiny flicker of a smile tugs at Yoongi’s lips, bite-swollen and red. A bad habit when he gets anxious.

“He would’ve shot you in the foot for saying something so treasonous.”

“He would have.” Taehyung agrees, heart falling as quickly as Yoongi’s smile.

“We have to do it soon, don’t we?”

Taehyung hates that he has to be the person who does this, but at the same time he wouldn’t want it to be anyone else.

“Jin-hyung said the sooner the better. Cops will get wind that something went down by tonight, at the latest. We have to…”

“We have to get rid of the body.” Yoongi’s voice is terrifyingly even.

“I’m not new to this, Taehyung. I know what happens next.”

It’s something about the resignation in Yoongi’s voice that breaks Taehyung’s heart.

TAEGI SMUTS [ᵃᵒ3]  Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora