You Touched Me In All The Right Spots

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Ao3 by : lonelykkyu

Summary :

Yoongi can already feel this heat will be worse than usual and his hot roommate Taehyung isn't helping him calm down his horniness.


Yoongi had been feeling restless for a week now, his upcoming heat threatening to be one of the worst so far. He was acting clingier than usual. At work, he would usually try to avoid Jimin’s hugs and acts of affection but these days he had been looking for them and longing to feel his friend wrap his arms around him.

He hated feeling like this, always searching for someone to hold onto, but he couldn’t deny his cat instincts and the way he needed to feel loved and taken care of.

That didn’t stop with his best friend.

When he was at home, he would latch himself onto his roommate, Taehyung, like a koala and follow him around the apartment like that, making their bodies continuously touch. The younger man didn’t complain, though. He was a cuddly person but never tried to cross the hybrid’s boundaries. Sometimes he would pet him and rub the fluffy ears but only when Yoongi was in the mood for that – which wasn’t often but he would make exceptions for the younger.

Taehyung was one of the few non-hybrid friends Yoongi had. The other two were Jimin and Seokjin but he had known them for years now. Taehyung was the only human after a long time that hadn’t flinched even a little when he came to know that Yoongi was a cat hybrid. He was friends with Jimin and they happened to meet because Yoongi was searching for a new apartment and Taehyung had one too big for one person and was looking for someone to share it with. Jimin had told the hybrid that he could trust Taehyung but, of course, Yoongi wanted to make sure that the human gave him a good vibe. He trusted his cat senses for this, his animal part knew who to trust or not almost right away. It had been proven wrong a few times, though and that’s why he was always careful. And a roommate was something he had to be particularly careful about. He didn’t expect Taehyung to turn out to be not only a very kind and gentle person but to look like a walking god as well.

And him looking so good wasn’t helping Yoongi right now.

The thing was, Yoongi appreciated Taehyung as a friend and as a roommate. He was tidy, not too noisy and, most of all, a good company. But he was incredibly hot and Yoongi wasn’t blind. He had a little – maybe more than a little – crush on him.

Seeing him dressed just in sweatpants and a white loose t-shirt shouldn’t have made Yoongi hornier than he already was, but it did. His being clingy in pre-heat was also a way to impress his scent on the human. It was wrong because they weren’t together. Taehyung had never made the hybrid think that there was more between them. He always treated him as a roommate. No, as a friend. In the last year and half that they had been living together, Taehyung has taken care of him more than a roommate probably would have.

Yes, Yoongi could describe their relationship as friendship.

Definitely not as something more than that.

Taehyung had never minded Yoongi’s clinginess in pre-heat. He was always very understanding when the hybrid was starting to feel feverish and he took care of him, bringing him water and feeding him. Yoongi was grateful to have him.

But at the same time, he couldn’t stop himself from craving more.

Taehyung had never asked much about his heats and what they meant, he had always been concerned about how he could help him and what he should do.

In all honesty, Yoongi found himself more than once biting his tongue to not say out loud, “You could do me.

Of course, he couldn’t say that.

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