Too Sweet To Be Mine

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Ao3 by : sugaflower

Summary :

Yoongi is an escort (amongst other things). And for the past three years, he’s been Taehyung’s exclusive escort.

(or, They’re Literally Already Dating Oh My God Can Someone Tell Them They're Basically Boyfriends Already Please)


It’s not the first evening Taehyung finds himself stuck at the office past midnight.

It feels familiar to him, particularly the knowledge that every moment spent here results in a multifaceted positive impact. Or at least - that’s what he tells himself.

As CEO and creator of his company, the past decade of his life has been a rough one.

Between busting his ass to put himself through business school and simultaneously running his start-up, the universe had him working so hard that he almost quit everything and returned home to be a farmer like his father had planned for him.

But with the help of business partners like Namjoon and Jeongguk, he’s been able to build his business into one that’s so profitable that they can afford to create an entire non-profit branch of their company that’s solely dedicated to creating and lobbying climate change legislature to hold fossil fuel companies in check.

He’s proud, to say the least. Bone-tired, but proud.

He’s also woefully single.

Taehyung is a loving person. He dotes on his friends almost to the point of annoyance.

But Jimin and Seokjin know how much it matters to him, how much they matter to him, and despite their eye-rolls and rueful grins, they always accept his attention with their unique expressions of love.

It’s romantic love that’s a little bit harder for him to come by. After the first few boyfriends got sick of not seeing him for days on end as he slaved away building his company from the ground up, he had decided to give up romance.

It was sad, of course, for someone as romantic as him to give up on romance - or at least that’s what Jimin would say. But as far as Taehyung’s concerned, “married to the job” couldn’t describe him more perfectly.

But, of course, he has needs. He’s in his mid-thirties and hasn’t dated anyone for five years.

However, letting his sexual tension build up and remain unfettered was not an option - for starters it began to affect his work rather pervasively, making him irritable and impatient. But he’s at a place now where he can do crazy shit like work 80-hour weeks from Sunday through Saturday without batting an eye.

And it’s all because for the past three years, he’s had Yoongi.

You see, Yoongi is an escort (amongst other things). And for the past three years, he’s been Taehyung’s exclusive escort.

He’s just finished sending off his last email to the board of investors when he hears a knock on his door. Like clockwork, Yoongi lets himself in before Taehyung even responds.

They both know they’re the only ones still on this floor of the office, and more importantly, they both know what they’re here for.

“Hey,” Yoongi says casually, like they’re about to go grab a bite to eat, like they’re not about to indulge in their most carnal desires in just a few minutes.

“Hi,” Taehyung sighs, sounding exhausted.

He finds himself instinctively rolling his neck back, resulting in several loud cracking noises. He stretches his arms up as well, yawning broadly before shutting his laptop with an air of finality.

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