PART 1 - You're Cute And I Like You

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Part 1 of Taegi Tattoo Parlour AU.

Ao3 by : Kenjin

Summary :

It was a slow day, so Yoongi was excited when the bell tinkled above the door, looking up from his current design, he greeted his most regular visitor with a sigh, "Back again

The fluffy-haired boy smiled that square smile Yoongi tried hard not to enjoy, "Yes Hyung! Today is the day!!"

Yoongi was perplexed, he hoped this wasn't going to be another 'fun' guessing game Taehyung made him play.

"It was my birthday at the end of last month Hyung." Oh crap.

"You said you'd tattoo me 'when hell froze over or you turn 21' . I'm 21 and I'm ready!"


It was a slow day, so Yoongi was excited when the bell tinkled above the door, looking up from his

current design, he greeted his most regular visitor with a sigh,

"Back again Taehyung?"

The fluffy-haired boy smiled that square smile Yoongi tried hard not to enjoy.

"Yes Hyung! Today is the day!!"

Yoongi was perplexed, he hoped this wasn't going to be another 'fun' guessing game Taehyung made him play.

"It was my birthday at the end of last month Hyung." Oh crap.

"You said you'd tattoo me 'when hell

froze over or you turn 21'. I'm 21 and I'm ready!"


Yoongi was incredibly proud to own a business, at only 22 he opened doors on his own tattoo parlour.

He was so nervous he had swept the floors twice and was reorganising piles of drawings when the door opened. He tried to make himself appear casual, continuing with his sorting while staring at the guy out of the corner of his eye.

The boy walked around his waiting area at a leisurely pace, staring at the tattoo designs all over the walls, before sauntering over to the desk.

"Can I help you?"

The boy quirked an eyebrow, raking his eyes over Yoongi, "You're the tattooist?"

He was slightly taken aback by that question, "..Yes?"

"You don't look like a tattooist, you're too beautiful."

Yoongi snorted.

"You don't look old enough to flirt with me, kid."

The guy looked horrified, and Yoongi tried not to smile.

"I am 19 years old!"

"Well I'm your hyung, quit trying to

flirt with me."

Yoongi stared at this strange guy, he was incredibly attractive with ridiculously long limbs and so,

so tall. It was unfair, Yoongi tapped a stack of papers on the counter as the guy leaned over the desk.

"So will you tattoo me, Hyung?" His voice, so close to Yoongi's ear, snapped him back to reality.

"You're too young." And then those were the fateful words that would haunt him two years later.

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