Closest To My Heart

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Ao3 by : taetaeandyoongles


Taehyung clambers into bed in nothing but his boxers, proceeding to shimmy those off once he’s under the covers. Yoongi’s lips curl into a smile as Taehyung huffs while kicking his boxers out of the bed so they don’t end up abandoned at the bottom of the bed with the socks Yoongi wriggles out of during sleep. Taehyung breaches the middle line, pressing himself against Yoongi’s back and drapes one arm across his waist. 


Taehyung crosses his arms and grabs the hem of his sweater, getting tangled when he pulls it over his head. His undershirt gets caught too, rolling up with his sweater. He tries pulling, but the buttons on his undershirt catch tight against his chin.

He lets out a weak ‘I’m stuck!’ 

Yoongi’s been watching Taehyung from the corner of his eye and immediately shuffles to the edge of the bed as Taehyung blindly stumbles forward. 

He hopes for Taehyung’s sake the time he takes to admire him is only a few seconds even though the clock completely stops for Yoongi as he’s blinded by the planes of gold and honey. He gets butterflies every time Taehyung reveals an inch of skin, like he can’t quite believe this is his life, that he gets to see Kim Taehyung like this. Just for him. He still gets flushed whenever Taehyung scrapes his hair off his forehead after a shower, for goodness sake. 

Yoongi’s hands skim up Taehyung’s bare torso, and he can feel his muscles jump under the touch. 

A shiver goes down Taehyung’s spine when Yoongi gets closer and his fingers hook under the bunched material at his armpits. 

‘Tug,’ Taehyung breathes. 

But Yoongi has other plans. His mouth follows the trail of his fingertips but in reverse, making Taehyung’s breath rush out in a sigh as Yoongi scatters kisses all over his ribs and stomach. It tingles wherever his boyfriend’s lips meet smooth skin in kiss after kiss, covering every inch.

‘You’re so beautiful,’ Yoongi mumbles into Taehyung’s tummy, pressing his cheek to Tae’s navel and resting there with his eyes closed, following Taehyung’s breathing. Now Taehyung really wants free of his sweater so he can brush his hands through Yoongi’s soft sandy hair and just hold him. He can’t help wriggling until his skin’s hot both from the effort and the deep blush that Yoongi’s mouth brings out.

‘Have mercy!’ 

Yoongi chuckles and unrolls Taehyung’s tops and snaps the buttons open. With a sharp heave, he stands up and yanks Taehyung’s sweater over his head. 

Taehyung’s hair is full of static and his cheeks are pink. He blinks like he’s seeing Yoongi for the first time ever. 

‘Hey,’ Yoongi says, his hands settled now on Taehyung’s waist.

Taehyung can’t help it, he closes the gap between them and pecks Yoongi first on his button nose, then on his downturned mouth. 

“I love you.” The words roll of Taehyung’s tongue.

Yoongi smiles, shy. 

Although Taehyung likes to hear it back, and sometimes badgers his boyfriend until he does, he knows Yoongi’s way of expressing it is different. It’s in the way he makes note of the food Taehyung craves and cooks it for them the next day; how he never tries to rush them on when Taehyung’s got his camera out; when he finds Taehyung sprawled on the sofa and lies right on top of him saying, ‘are you tired, little guy?’

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