So Cute

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Ao3 by : vminhoes

Summary :

Yoongi just wants to bang but Taehyung can’t be serious for two fucking minutes.


It wasn't too often that these days occurred. Days when both of them had absolutely nothing to do. No classes, no shifts, no interviews for upcoming summer internships, and no friends inviting them out.

Now, the first week after spring semester ended, was the calm before the storm. Everyone was letting the stress and anxiety and exhaustion from slaving away for nearly six months detox in whatever it may be.

For most it was sleep. For a select few of their friends, it was going out and enjoying all the parties and clubbing nights they had missed out on in exchange for studying. A couple friends went back home to visit their families or old high school friends before internships started up.

But for Yoongi and Taehyung, they spent it in their tiny studio apartment for the duration of their free week.

They had exactly ten days until Taehyung began his internship at an art studio and Yoongi began his at a record label, so their time consisted of napping together, catching up on shows they'd wanted to watch, ordering take out with the little money they'd saved up for this exact week, and a lot of fucking.

The couple had barely seen each other most days this semester, being in different programs and spending all their time in the separate buildings that their classes were in. In the morning, Taehyung would wake up, get ready and kiss a sleeping Yoongi goodbye as he went to his classes.

When he would come home relatively late at night, Yoongi would be slaving away in the studio until ungodly hours, and eventually come into their apartment, dragging his feet until he flopped onto the bed. Taehyung has started waking twenty minutes earlier so he could undress Yoongi and get him properly tucked in since the composer would be sleeping most of the day.

Needless to say, after nearly an entire semester of living together yet hardly seeing each other, the couple had a lot to catch up on. Sex being a main priority.

It was hot in their studio apartment. Ridiculously hot.

They couldn't afford to crank the AC, despite the sky rocketing temperatures in Seoul, so the two were sweating most the day and relying on quick rinses under a cold shower to cool them off.

While watching a movie he had been wanting to see, Taehyung grew sweaty yet again, and offering another cold shower was on the tip of his tongue when suddenly Yoongi was on top of the art major, straddling his hips. Yoongi pulled his own t-shirt off, exposing his pale chest, and an excited grin grew on Taehyung’s face.

"Let’s fuck." Yoongi said bluntly, causing the younger boy to pop a boner in his pants immediately.

Oh yes, showering could definitely wait.

After Yoongi quickly stripped completely, he prepped himself with the lube they hid under the couch cushion and slid onto Taehyung, letting out a low groan in pleasure.

Taehyung had tried to strip himself, but Yoongi was too impatient, and the younger boy didn’t fight it.

When it came to something his smaller, cranky boyfriend wanted, Taehyung would never be one to deny his demands. It wasn’t that Taehyung was intimidated (although he easily could be by the flat-faced composer), it was because an angry Yoongi was too cute for his own good. He got pouty and grumbly, and Taehyung couldn't get enough of it. He struggled to keep a straight face when Yoongi complained and bickered with him, and Taehyung was downright too whipped to stand a chance against his boyfriend's adorably grumpy personality.

TAEGI SMUTS [ᵃᵒ3]  Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя