Slug Is Just One Letter Away From Slut

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Ao3 by : PeachSuga

Summary :

Yoongi’s cold and Taehyung has an idea to make him... warmer.

A shiver. Goosebumps rose on his arms and he felt the sting of each around his body.  His whole body racked involuntarily with it, teeth tightening in an attempt to stop. He scoffed, bringing his arms closer in on himself.

Another came, he brought his icy hands together, rubbing them to hopefully give him some warmth. The blooming gold in his hands making him feel better but the blow of cold winds came back.

One more when nothing seemed to work. His body reacting to the frozen feeling, you’re cold you dumbassIt yelled at him and he swears he’s throwing hands with his own body.

“Oh my peach Yoongi just come here.”

The small boy, clad in nothing but a loose black t-shirt and skinny jeans in the middle of Spring because it was supposed to be warm!! Spring!! Why was it below thirty degrees?? Fucking global warming,) looked to his boyfriend, who looked comfortable wrapped in a big olive green jacket and tuxedo black hoodie, an obnoxiously long coffee with milk brown scarf around his neck and a beanie perched upon his head Yoongi recognized as one of his own.


The younger gave him a disapproving look, something Yoongi hated seeing, the features giving his boyfriend an almost scary aura.

He sighed.

“Do we really have to do it like this? Stop being stubborn, babe.”

Yoongi looked from the blonde to the ground, shaking his head, making his own cotton candy pink strands move side to side. He couldn’t let Taehyung be right… not now at least, he put up a major fight earlier.

Taehyung gave him a hard look.


His older boyfriend continued to shiver in a small ball sat on the ground and Taehyung wanted to both hug him until he didn’t even know the word ‘cold’ and give him a playful grin to say ‘ I told you so.’   

The pink haired didn’t see it, refusing to give in to his boyfriend. They had an argument earlier about the weather but Yoongi being his defiant self told Taehyung he’d be fine, it isn’t even that cold . And no Yoongi didn’t need anything on him because he felt warm enough .

Peach does Yoongi regret his past self.

His teeth chattered lightly and that’s when his whole body was easily pulled to the right. A not-as-low-as-he’d-have-liked-it-to-be yelp escaped from his wavering lips, and Yoongi hated to admit that he reveled in the immediate feeling of being enveloped by a cocoon of warmth . The golden feeling spreading through the front of his body and he snuggled closer, the scent of cologne filling his nose and Yoongi grasped Taehyung tighter.

“See? It’s not bad to take my advice, baby. Just give in.”

Yoongi grumbled against Taehyung’s chest. It’s true he was feeling a million times better, like a marshmallow above a fire, but he wanted… more. Being out in twenty five degree weather for more than fifteen minutes could really… yeah. Yoongi really valued the warmth and loved nothing more than huddling in a big blanket on a winter day. Plus, Taehyung did tell him to give in.

“Taehyungie…” He whispered, getting closer.

“Yes, sweetheart?” Taehyung brought and arm around his baby, who reflexively curled into his side.

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