Your Ass Is My Gift

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Ao3 by : YooniesPouts

Summary :

It was Taehyung’s birthday, but the alpha’s plans had been de-railed by the heavy snowstorm outside, keeping him and his boyfriend stuck in the house. But that’s okay, he’s sure he can find another way to spend his birthday…


He watches.


He stares.

Taehyung watches as the small, pink tongue darts out from between delicate doll-like lips and licks at the sweet candy. He curses himself for buying lollipops. Yoongi always had a thing for eating them in the most torturous of ways. Normal people would just stick them in their mouths and suck, but does Yoongi do that? No. He fucking /licks/ them. Small kitten licks that are both adorable and sadistic.

He watches, entranced, as a film of saliva coats the sweet, the omega sat watching the movie - completely oblivious to the lewd thoughts racing through the tiger hybrids brain. Combined with Taehyung's thoughts of 'I should be out getting drunk right now, not trying to hide my semi on the couch next to my infuriatingly cute boyfriend'.

You see, it's Taehyung's birthday, and they had plans to go out as a group. The seven of them don't get to meet up often and they were looking forward to a nice meal then going out for drinks afterwards to celebrate. However, a heavy snow storm had thrown a spanner in the works, making the two feline hybrids stuck in their shared apartment for the day instead. Yoongi had tried to cheer the younger up, cooking him a nice meal and throwing on some of the alpha's favourite films. It had worked, Taehyung's pout had been gone in less than half an hour, happily curled up with his love. But now… now he wasn't paying attention to the film at all…

Yoongi seems to stop mid lick, the fur on his silky black cat ears standing on end as his eyes dart away from the screen and lock with the tiger's own. Taehyung hears as his breath hitches, the cat's pupils dilating as he takes in the spicy nodes in the alpha's scent, his arousal becoming more clear. They keep their eyes locked on one another, the tiger licking his lips slowly as his chest vibrates in a low growl, a sound that means he's asking for submission.

The lollipop drops from Yoongi's hand and clatters to the floor, the stickiness a problem for later as the omega is too busy baring his neck and whimpering, his own tangy scent growing sweet and enticing.

"Hyungie, can I?" Taehyung breathes out, voice low, his instincts just screaming at him to take what he wants as the sweet scent of Yoongi's slick becomes more abundant in the air. It sits on his tongue, clogging up all of his senses like thick molasses. But he always asks before just taking.

"Please Tae-ah," Yoongi practically whimpers, swallowing loudly as they stare at each other for just a second longer.

Until Taehyung pounces.

His larger body pins Yoongi to the couch, making the cat feel small. It was normal for Taehyung to be larger, alpha's usually were in comparison to omegas. But Taehyung was a tiger hybrid, a big cat, one or the larger species. And Yoongi was a domestic cat breed, known for being smaller. When standing next to one another there was easily a foot between them, the elder grumbling when the alpha has to help him reach things down from the top cupboards in the kitchen.

But Yoongi loves it in moments like this.

Large hands gripping him. The tiger's body looming over him and making him feel even smaller than he is. Not to mention the alpha is also in proportion everywhere…

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