The Twelfth Day Of Christmas

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Ao3 by : miyukitsune (orphan_account)

Summary :

The Twelfth Day Of Christmas. Tae recieves one of the best-no scratch that he recieves THE BEST gift ever by his boyfriend.

Taehyung didn’t expect his Christmas present to be wrapped up in pink ribbon, red bow taut and pretty.

To be more exact, Taehyung didn’t expect his Christmas present to be Yoongi wrapped up in pink ribbon, red bow taut and pretty.

“Hyung.” He chokes out, fingers gripping tightly onto the kitchen table cloth.

“What the fuck is this?”

He’s surprised. Because one, it’s Yoongi. And two, he’s wearing a pair of black lace panties (that really cover nothing), black stockings, and a tight red bow attached onto the black choker around his neck. Yoongi flushes a deep red, newly dyed white hair falling over his forehead. He looks up from under his lashes, eyes full of something Taehyung can’t put his finger on.

Maybe it’s the fact that Yoongi’s cheeks are the exact same colour as the ribbons tied at his ankles, bounding them together. His legs are crossed, rose strings wrapped around his arm and neck, waving whenever he moves.

They’re both silent. Taehyung can feel his jeans tighten whenever Yoongi does as much as blush. His growing hard-on is pressed flush against the inside of his pants.

Yoongi whines, tongue slicked and poking out of his lips. His plush, velvety lips that would look so fucking good around his dick right now.

“Tae.” Yoongi mewls, scooting forward.

Taehyung remains unresponsive, eyes pinned onto how pretty he looks and how innocent he is and how wrecked he’ll be when Taehyung’s done with him.

“Taehyungie, come.”

He can’t help but step forward and squat down, one hand flitting over he loose ribbon, thumbing over the inside of his thigh. Yoongi. In panties and stockings. How would he look in a dress?

“I didn’t know you liked this.” Taehyung murmurs, butterfly knot twisting in Taehyung’s hold.

Yoongi huffs.

“I... I know you like this.”

It’s true. Taehyung had always been wondering and talking about Yoongi in a dress, lacy maid outfits, panties, skirts. He runs his hands across the sides of Yoongi’s stomach, palms trembling across the pale, smooth skin.

He had always been petite. Feminine. Waiting to be carried away by a prince or a dragon. Taehyung loved that about his boyfriend, the fierce and vulnerable sides of Yoongi clashing against each other constantly.

“You’re so fucking pretty like this.” He growls.

“Mine. All fucking mine.”

It’s a change. Taehyung isn’t usually this possessive, but ever since the breakup with Jeongguk, he’s been wrapped all over Yoongi. He’s tender, but Taehyung can tell that Yoongi’s glad he’s found a way to make him grit his teeth and leave makes all over his body.

Maybe it’s a cross dressing thing. A panty kink.

Taehyung has let his hands flutter down to the insides of Yoongi’s thigh. He brings his mouth over to nibble at his skin, tongue flicking over the mark. It’s sensitive; of course it is. Somehow, Yoongi has managed to stay pale all throughout summer and keeps his legs and arms smooth, even with the blazing sun.

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