Could You Tell Me What's Real?

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Ao3 by : springlights

Summary :

Yoongi and Taehyung start hooking up in secret behind everyone's backs. Predictably, it does not go as well as planned. Especially when Yoongi's already broken the number one rule for a friends-with-benefits agreement: don't catch feelings.


“Come on, just fucking — just give it to me already.” Yoongi groans through panting breaths, fingers digging into the back of his thighs as he strains to pull his legs closer, grip slipping slightly on his sweat-slick skin.

This was a bad idea. He should’ve just feigned a headache and gone straight to bed, but Yoongi’s a weak bastard with absolutely no concept of self-restraint. 

Well, at least when it comes to Taehyung, he doesn’t.

“I’m giving you plenty, hyung.” Taehyung hums from his spot between his legs, dark eyes flicking up to hold Yoongi’s withering stare.

His hair’s a glorious mess, honey-blonde strands sticking up all over the place from Yoongi’s constant pulling, lightly tickling Yoongi’s inner thigh as Taehyung leans back down to suck another bite into the swell of his ass, just below where it meets his thigh, so achingly close where Yoongi needs his mouth to be.

“Shit.” Yoongi hisses, biting down on his lip when he feels Taehyung’s tongue slowly lave over the fresh mark.

He knows it’s just one of many littering his skin from tonight, feels each of them tingle as Taehyung smooths his hands over the back of his thighs before pressing his fingers in to get a solid grip.

“You know that’s not what I meant.”

Taehyung smirks up at him.

“Oh?” He asks, in a voice that’s far too innocent.

Yoongi kinda wants to slap him.

“Then what did you mean, hyung? You have to tell me what you want. I’m not a mind reader, you know.”


Taehyung knows exactly what he wants; he just refuses to give it to Yoongi because he’s a massive fucking tease. Always has been from the start of this thing they have, whatever it is. They never really talked about it, and at this point, Yoongi’s too afraid to ask. It’s been too long. Eight months too long. As far as he knows, Taehyung considers them as just childhood friends and roommates who get off together sometimes for fun. 

Although lately, Yoongi thinks with some degree of bitterness, it hasn’t been as much fun as before.

He doesn’t want to think about that, though. He doesn’t want to think at all, actually. So, he grits his teeth and snakes a hand down to fist the hair at the nape of Taehyung’s neck, tugging him up slightly, and looks him right in the eye as he growls.

“Give me your tongue, your fingers, your big fucking cock — whichever, I don’t fucking care, just get something inside me. Now."

Taehyung’s expression darkens, lips falling open to let out a hot breath against the crease of Yoongi’s thigh.

 Fuck.” He groans, brow knitting together as he quickly climbs up Yoongi’s body to press their lips together in a rough, filthy kiss.

His hand moves to grip the meat of Yoongi’s ass, squeezing it for a moment before delivering a swift slap that makes Yoongi jump.

“Bossy little thing tonight, aren’t you? So eager to get fucked. Need something stuffing your cute little hole to keep you happy, hm?”

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