When I Get That Feeling

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Ao3 by : fadetomorrow

Summary :

It was only a matter of time before Taehyung became unsatisfied with making bedroom eyes at his new pianist and actually wanted him in the bedroom instead.


The first thing Taehyung did when he entered the dressing room was to shake off his outer jacket and loosen his tie. He wrinkled his nose. Back here it was easier to make out the smell of stale cigarette smoke clinging to his clothes. His nice green suit that he really liked. Still, that wasn't able to ruin his pleasant mood.

It had been a good crowd tonight, both the floor and mezzanine packed full. All his regulars had been there and had been extra generous with the tips. It wasn't as if he had ever had any issues in that area. His face and voice were more than enough to get people to open their wallets, but ever since the new pianist started, money had been really, really good.

And if Taehyung nudged things along by blatantly flirting with said pianist while they performed to rile up the crowd — well. That was just good business.

His bartender and closest friend Jimin said he was being cruel to the guy, always looking like he was going to eat him alive up there.

But Jimin didn't see what he saw.

When Yoongi had walked in a few weeks ago Taehyung had thought he was lost until he took out a copy of the flyer Taehyung had told Jungkook, busboy slash bassist slash public relations for the club, to put up around town. Yoongi had come in wearing a stuffy suit two sizes too big and a face so stoic Taehyung didn't even know if he had the ability to smile. He couldn't put such an uncharismatic guy in front of a crowd, but he'd been desperate. His old pianist had packed it up and followed his first love across country and, while Taehyung had commended the dedication, it had left him and his band in a tough spot. He probably would have hired Yoongi anyway, at least on a temporary basis, as long as he'd shown basic competency in reading sheet music, but what had happened instead was Yoongi had sat down in front of the glossy baby grand handed down from Taehyung's grandmother and had played magic.

The sheet music had been completely ignored. Yoongi played every song and style Taehyung threw at him and then some. The final hurdle had been to accompany Taehyung on a song and Taehyung had never worked with anyone who had been able to read his cues so well, nevermind someone who he was still strangers with.

So Yoongi had been hired on the spot and Taehyung had even given him a higher pay than what had been advertised.

What came out on stage though, that was just something Taehyung couldn't help. He had been worried initially that Yoongi would show up to his first show in something as bland and shoddy as what Taehyung had seen in his audition, but Yoongi apparently just possessed a terrible sense of style for interviews. On the night of the first gig, Taehyung had looked up from the books and felt something in him perk up when Yoongi had walked in wearing a white button-up with the sleeves rolled up tucked into black slacks held up by black leather suspenders. The fitted clothes accentuated how slim he was and that was how Taehyung, who had a bit of height on Yoongi, discovered maybe he had a thing for smaller men. Or one certain smaller man.

And if that desire came out on stage because Taehyung couldn't help but be caught up in the music and lights and the crowd's adoration for him, could he really be to blame?

Tonight he had really pushed it, but like always Yoongi had been unflappable. During a slower number, Taehyung had gone up behind Yoongi and run his hand through Yoongi's hair, had let his knuckles drift along the back of Yoongi's neck. He had even straddled the end of the piano bench and leaned in until he could count the strands of Yoongi's eyelashes and slipped his hand around Yoongi's waist while he crooned about the desire to just be near someone, but Yoongi's hands had danced over the keys without faltering even once.

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