When You're Alone In The Dark

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Ao3 by - minimeowngi

Summary :

“Mommy, there’s a boy in my closet and he’s scaring me,” Yoongi cries, small hands clenching his mother’s shirt.

“There’s no one there, Yoongi. He’s not real. Go to sleep.”

Except he is.

Yoongi looks at the closet to see the boy’s huge eyes staring at him.

Oh, he’s real.

Yoongi was five years old when him and his family move into a new house in favor of being closer to the place his father works in. He had lived a fairly normal life for a five-year-old. He doesn’t have any sibling or lots of friends but his mother is always there to play with him and his father takes it upon himself to buy him all of the toys he could ever want. They are not rich, far from it actually, but being an only child has its perks at times like this.

Yoongi loves their new house. It is bigger than before and they’re far away from that annoying neighbor they had back at their old neighborhood. He loves the food his mother cooks and he’s happy that they’re spending a lot more time together now that she stopped working and chose to focus on taking care of him instead. He loves his mother a lot. She reads him different bedtime stories every night before he goes to sleep and kisses him on the forehead before saying goodnight.

She would turn the lights off, keeping the lamp on because Yoongi hates the dark, before leaving the room and closing the door behind her.

Yoongi loves their new house and those that comes with it. He loves the big bathroom with the bathtub because they didn’t have one in their old house. He loves the kitchen because he can run around while his mother cooks breakfast. He loves their living room with its comfortable couch and huge television where Yoongi can watch all the cartoons that he wants to watch. He’ll start school this year so he wants to enjoy his free time as much as he can because he heard from the mean boy next door that school is annoying. Yoongi hates anything annoying so he’ll probably hate school too.

Yoongi loves everything in their new house but there’s one thing that he doesn’t like.

Yoongi doesn’t like his bedroom.

He tells his mother all the time that he wants to sleep next to them but she declines with a sweet smile on her face, saying that he should get used to sleeping alone because he’s growing up.

But Yoongi can’t help it.

The moment the door closes behind his mother, Yoongi would force his eyes shut, pulling the blanket all the way to his chin. He’ll count to ten and that’s when it starts.

Yoongi would feel cold air against his neck and the sound of someone heavily breathing. He would feel the blanket tug itself down until it’s only covering half of him, but Yoongi would keep his eyes shut. He doesn’t want to see anything. He doesn’t want to be scared but this is really making it hard for him to do so. He’s only imagining things, Yoongi would repeat inside his head, but the feeling of fingers touching his cheek always makes him shiver.

“You’re not real.” Yoongi would whisper with his small trembling voice.

A childish laugh invades his senses, almost making him snap his eyes open in panic.

“I am real.” It sounds like a boy. And his voice sends shivers down Yoongi’s spine.

He feels a lot colder, breath stuck in his throat. This is the first time he’s ever heard a voice. It’s always just this weird feeling of someone watching – it’s never like this.

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