A Smell Of Chocolate Under The Rain

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Ao3 by : Seemylia

Summary :

How did he end up here? And why didn't he want to be anywhere else?

—Drawing his knees to his chest, he brought the soft cashmere to his face and rubbed it against his skin. It was so soft, and it felt so good. Yoongi almost purred. Before he realized what he was doing, he was rubbing Taehyung’s scarf on his neck. He didn’t care what he was doing, the only thing he knew was that the bad smell was going away, replaced by the best fragrance he every smelt.


—Or, Yoongi goes in heat almost a month early without anybody to help him through it. Almost.


Yoongi felt itchy. Itchy and irritable. He hated work. He hated having to work. He hated having to bear with the company of his colleagues. Always too noisy, always too over-the-top. Always too much. Always too Alpha, always too condescending.

Yoongi hated it. He always did. But today… Today was worse. He felt like shit. His skin was too tight, his body was sore, and his lower back was aching. This, plus the light fog around his mind wasn’t helping.

Moreover, he had almost missed his stop while taking the bus because he kept getting distracted. And now he was stressed.

Stupid Alphas. Couldn’t they finish their own job? No, it was always,

“Yoongi-ssi, please, can you finish that real quick? My mate is-” , “Yoongi-ah, I’m really sorry, but all this work has been piling up because, you know, Alpha responsibilities-”

Always the same thing, asking Yoongi to finish their work. Not leaving him a choice. And Yoongi accepted. Not because he didn’t have a choice – he did, he always did – but because he knew that if he didn’t do it, nobody would. And then his boss would hear about it, and his colleagues were pieces of shit, so they would blame it on him.

He wouldn’t be in trouble, but he would have to speak to his boss, endure his presence for a whole discussion. And he couldn’t stand his boss. He was so annoying and so Alpha. So smug and overconfident. And he had been here for only two months or something. Yoongi wanted to bash his head against a wall. But he couldn’t, being fired wasn’t really at the top of his to-do list.

“Move, for god’s sake! Dumb Omegas, I fuckin’ swear…”

Yoongi startled back to reality, blinking quickly. He was in the middle of the street, a few blocks away from his work place. His eyes darted toward his watch and shit, he was definitely late. As he started to run, trying not to bump into anyone – which was quite hard on the crowded sidewalk – he tried to think. And decided that he couldn’t afford it right now. He would try and understand why he had decided to daze off in the middle of the street later.

When Yoongi reached his floor, he was positively sweating, and everybody was looking at him like he had grown a second head.

Yoongi didn’t blame them. He probably looked like death. He had pulled two all-nighters in a row, had just ran to work, arriving late and he didn’t have his coffee yet. Yup, if it was someone else, Yoongi would most definitely watch too.

“I apologize.” He said, trying to catch his breath.

A weird and tense silence followed. Yoongi looked around him, probably looking like a confused stray dog.

“It’s okay.” An Omega finally answered, her voice strained and face pinched.

Yoongi frowned. What was wrong today? Ugh, he didn’t have the energy to deal with the drama his coworkers loved to go through. So, he just nodded, smiling tightly, and walked toward his desk. He took five minutes, turning on his computer and walking over the breakroom to pour himself a cup of coffee.

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