The Set

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Ao3 by : StefARoo1

Summary :

Taehyung is a set designer and is about to lose his job if he can’t get a set designed for a photo shoot by evening tomorrow.

Yoongi is a jobless contractor, able to build nearly anything. He is looking for any work he can find.

A mutual friend/acquaintance has a solution to both of their problems.


Taehyung sighed for the fourth time within five minutes.

Namjoon knew this because he started counting after the first one.

They had been friends for years, and early on Namjoon figured out that if Taehyung was sighing, it was for a specific reason.

He also knew that Taehyung wanted you to ask him about it. So about a year ago, Namjoon stopped giving in to him, and instead starting counting and timing his sighs until Taehyung would finally give in and just spill what was happening.

Namjoon continued typing, trying to complete some of his work, but was distracted again by Taehyung’s fifth sigh.

He looked at his phone.

Fifth sigh in five and a half minutes.

He silently noted to himself that the frequency was increasing – this wasn’t a good sign.

“Joon! Will you just pay attention to me?” Taehyung yelled, brushing his dark hair out of his eyes, as Namjoon continued typing.

Distractedly Namjoon replied, “Just one second, I have to finish this email.”  He typed a few more words, clicked the mouse to send, and swiveled in his chair to face Taehyung.

“Don’t you know that I need to talk with you? I’ve been sitting here for like an hour!” Taehyung pouted at Namjoon.

Namjoon looked at his phone.

“It’s actually been 7 minutes. You’ve been here 7 minutes. You must have reasoned it out that I’m working since you came to see me at my office. Why would you be surprised that I’m working…at my office?”

“But it’s a crisis!” Taehyung yelled.

Namjoon rolled his eyes.

Something was always a crisis for Taehyung. Everything actually.

“What’s the matter? Did the food truck run out of breakfast sandwiches again this morning?”

Taehyung gasped, holding his hand over his heart, “I don’t know…did they? I was going to get one on my way out.” He glanced toward the door, briefly thinking that he should go get a sandwich before he forgot, but remembered he had a more urgent matter to deal with.

“No, never mind that. I’m about to get fired.” He announced sadly.

“What? Why? Taehyung…” Namjoon groaned, frustrated with his friend, “Did you take on more than you can handle again?”

Taehyung looked ashamed.

“Well, at first I thought adding this job on wouldn’t be a big deal. It’s just designing a set for a photo shoot. And since I have experience with both designing and with taking pictures, I assumed I could handle it. The thing is, I forgot that set design includes building. I’m not sure if you know this about me, but um, I can’t build things.”

Now it was Namjoon’s turn to sigh. He shook his head at his friend.

“Taehyung. When do you have to complete this?”

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