The Familiarity Of You

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Ao3 by - MysticalTaegisus


At the age of three, Taehyung's black cat familiar Yoongi imprinted on him.

They shared their whole life together and their relationship is taken to the next level after Taehyung graduates from the Magic Academy.


It’s a known fact that having a familiar imprint on you is rare and having one imprint on you at such a young age was something even rarer still.

The Kim Family had always known Taehyung to be different, to be special, as soon as Mistress Kim locked eyes with her baby’s bewitching emerald green ones.

So when a small fuzzy black kitten with golden eyes as stunning as the little wizards’ own eyes sat on his lap as if they had been old friends during Taehyung’s induction ceremony.

Let’s just say his parents were none too surprised.

“Yoobi!” The little wizard would say as he squeezed the poor kitten.

Yoongi, as his parents named him, would kick with his back paws scratching with all of his might, but Tae wouldn’t let go even when the claws drew blood.

“Now, TaeTae. You must be nice to Yoongi. He’s much smaller than you. You don’t want to hurt him, do you?” Mistress Kim gently scolded her toddler.

Taehyung looked up at his mother with his big green eyes and pouted.

“No, eomma.” Taehyung said as he placed Yoongi on the ground and gave him a clumsy pat on the head with a giggle.

Since Taehyung was three, the two had been inseparable.

When Taehyung was six, Yoongi found that he could transform into human form.

The two would run around and play tag. They hid in a treehouse they made in the forest behind Taehyung’s home.

Taehyung’s familiar was there when his human’s halmeoni passed away.

Those days, he made sure Taehyung had enough love to carry him through on Earth so he wouldn’t feel the hole in his heart that his loved one left when she crossed over from this plane to the other.

He knew he could never fill that hole, but he wanted to make sure that it would hurt a little less as time went on.

Yoongi was by Taehyung’s side every day when he began the Academy.

He was there through every the dance that the magic school held there and every breakup that Taehyung endured through his emotional hormone-raged teenage years.

Taehyung soaked his fur in tears as Yoongi purred to help calm his human.

Once more, he made sure Taehyung knew that he was loved and special and someone worthy of such a love that could move mountains.

“They don’t deserve you, Taehyungie.”

“Of course you would say that.” Taehyung said clutching his familiar tighter to his chest as the tears dropped onto his fur.

“You’re my familiar. You’re biased.”

“That doesn’t make me any less right.” Yoongi responded, shaking the tears off the top of his head.

Taehyung chuckled and squeezed the black cat tighter.

“TaeTae.” Yoongi said with labored breaths.

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