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Ao3 by - allie (sobangcha8)

Summary :

Taehyung surprises Yoongi for their tenth anniversary by taking him to a place he’s always wanted to see, the small, little known planet where colorful lights dance on the air to beautiful music, called Valara.


Taehyung watches Yoongi’s fluffy black hair as he walks away with a smile on his face. The marketplace is busy, full of beings of all shapes and sizes hustling to and fro. Some are wandering, and others are flitting from stall to stall, stocking up on essential items, or shopping for knick knacks. Some are merely perusing. Yoongi’s purpose for coming today is to buy them some new clothes. 

“Taehyung-ah, you’ve been wearing the same ratty clothes for years now. It’s time for new ones.” 

He’d groused that morning as he joined Taehyung on the small bridge of their ship. He’d picked at Taehyung’s sleeve with a scowl. 

“When we get to Altera that’s what I’m going to do.” 

So, Taehyung let him go do his shopping without distracting him. Besides, these brief sojourns on various planets are just as much an opportunity for them to stock up on needed items, see new sights, as they are for them to have a little space. They’ve been together for almost ten years now, and much of that time has been spent on that same little ship, just the two of them. They need a little breathing room, from time to time. 

Taehyung stuffs his hands in his pockets, the weight of his bag over his shoulder comfortable as he starts to meander through the crowded market. He looks around, not shopping for anything in particular. He keeps his eyes open, though. Their ten year anniversary is approaching, and though Taehyung’s already found Yoongi’s gift, he’s always going to be on the lookout for something else to give Yoongi. If for nothing else than to see the surprised, shy blush he gets when Taehyung gives him an unexpected gift. Taehyung doesn’t think he’ll ever stop feeling surprised when Taehyung gifts him something that made him think of his husband, and that in itself is enough to make Taehyung continue to do it for the rest of his life. 

It’s a sunny, warm day on Altera. The climate on this part of the planet is typically mild and comfortable, and he and Yoongi have been coming here for years. Their market is famous in this part of the galaxy for its variety of wares. They sell food, clothing, ship parts and technology from all over the galaxy. They sell anything and everything that a person could want. 

A wizened local manning a booth laden with jewelry catches Taehyung’s eye, and he makes his way over. She smiles widely, showing off her sharp canines, and all four of her eyes crinkle at the corners. 

“Good afternoon, traveler.” She says in Alteran.

Taehyung doesn’t speak much of it, but he understands more than enough to get by at the market. He smiles back, and inclines his head. He gestures to the table, and she spreads her wrinkled hands out, her sharp nails glinting in the afternoon sunlight. 

“Take a look, try on anything that catches your eye.” 

Taehyung does. There are countless rings, and many necklaces of all lengths and sizes. Some have polished stone pendants, others have gems inlaid in gold or silver or some other metal. Some look like they could be made of bone, or teeth. On one side are several stands with earrings of all shapes. Yoongi never takes out the earrings he wears, though, so getting him any would be a waste. He also wears the same necklace every day, a gift from Taehyung towards the beginning of their relationship, so he doesn’t think a necklace would be a good gift either. A ring, however… Ten years is a long time, perhaps a new ring could be a nice symbol of ten years, and a hundred and ten more to come. 

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