If Love and Hate Are the Same Words

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Ao3 by : Holyhoseok

Summary :

Taehyung doesn't want to be Yoongi's best friend anymore.


Taehyung and Yoongi are idiots in love.


Taehyung doesn't remember when it first started.

When he caught himself staring at his best friend, wanting to touch him more than as a friend.

He figures he had always felt that way but didn't realize it until a year ago.

Taehyung and Yoongi have been best friends since middle school.

They both lived in Daegu, meeting when Taehyung moved into the house next to Yoongi's. And just like how you'd imagine, they became friends.

Well, Yoongi would say Taehyung forced him into being friends.

Yoongi was older by two years, so when Taehyung started sixth grade the older had started eighth.

The younger thought Yoongi was so cool. No one messed with him in school because he had a reputation for causing trouble (Taehyung later found it was because the older had been caught skipping once).

Taehyung was the complete opposite of Yoongi, his bubbly personality and charm making everyone want to be friends with him.

Maybe that's why he was interested in the older, Yoongi didn't want to be his friend. But Taehyung forced his way in to the older's life, not giving up until Yoongi admitted defeat.

Taehyung was now almost finished with his first year of college, Yoongi in his third.

They had made an agreement in high school that they would go to the same college in the future, which they did. Not much had changed throughout the years of knowing each other.

Taehyung was still out going and had tons of friends, where as Yoongi still preferred to be alone and was content with his small circle of people.

The only real difference was their appearances (obviously) and that Yoongi had fully accepted the younger as his best friend.

They had decided to get an apartment together as soon as Taehyung was accepted at their college, renting a cozy two bedroom apartment that was walking distance from the school.

Everything was great between them, until Taehyung had realized he didn't feel the same towards Yoongi as he originally thought.

He first time he could recognize his feelings towards the older was a little over a year ago, the night they had moved in together.

They were about to go to bed, Taehyung in the kitchen to grab a water bottle before heading to his room.

Yoongi had entered the kitchen in only a towel, hair still damp from the shower he had just taken.

Taehyung blushed, shocked that the older had decided he needed to go to the kitchen pretty much butt ass naked instead of putting clothes on first.

"Jesus hyung, couldn't you put on clothes before walking around the apartment?" Taehyung covered his eyes with a hand, hearing Yoongi chuckle.

"I just wanted to tell you something before we went to bed." The younger moved his hand, looking at the older in mild confusion, making sure not to move his gaze from Yoongi's eyes.

"I'm really glad your here, Taehyung-ah. I had missed you." Yoongi gave a small smile, walking in front of the younger and wrapping his arms around his neck in a hug.

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