Lithium, Lacrymosa, And A Labyrinth Of Love

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Ao3 by : princesaadriella

Summary :

The people of Olympus have the story of Hades and Persephone all wrong. Taehyung in fact, had fallen in love with Yoongi, the god of Springtime and the birther of flowers and rain and hope, as well as the other way around. So he will do everything in his power to proclaim his love, even if that means stealing something vital from each god of Olympus.

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Yoongi as Persephone, dares Taehyung as Hades, to take a personal item from each god of Olympus in order to win his hand in marriage. The only problem is, he doesn't think that Taehyung will actually do it.

Featuring, Namjoon as Athena, Seokjin as Aphrodite, Jungkook as Ares, Jimin as Dionysus, and Hoseok as Apollo.


Olympus was in no mood for games.

The sky burned gray with ash, fires of traumatic mishaps and violent quarrels piercing the air like lightning, crackling the ground like thunder. Zeus was angry of course, when was he not, but this night was a night unlike any other.

The stars were splattered with blood, unprecedented and red with hatred, viridescent with jealousy, thanks to Ares. It is not fair for Zeus to punish Olympus for his own misfortunes in bed, and that much was clear, as the God of Spring could hear the ruckus of Athena, Aphrodite, and Poseidon.

Persephone did not have the time to entertain such foolishness. Kore, or known and acclaimed in Korean mythology, Yoongi, was one of the most gorgeous gods to exist among those of Olympus, calling question to those who only had eyes for Aphrodite.

Yoongi had curls of peppermint, flecked with daisies and strawberries and peonies. Curls that cradled cheeks of scarlet pepper, framing a round, chubby face of pure beauty. A face as pale as the moonlight that lit the night. Yoongi’s lashes glimmered with raindrops, the freckles upon his cheeks resembled tiny dandelions that could grant the wish of every human in the world. Yoongi was the god of Spring, bringing forth a world of daisies and golden grass, dazzling with weeds and sprouts and veggies to nourish those who were weak in mind and in heart. Yoongi would be caught dead wearing robes of sapphire and satin blue, wrapped and bound with flowers upon flowers, the same flowers in his hair and in his lungs. The same flowers and stems that made up his organs and his bones. His heart, a ruby of roses, big and bright, glowing for all the world to see, even if Yoongi was good at hiding it.

Yes, indeed, the god of spring had an attitude that all of Olympus was familiar with. He was as sassy as he was kindhearted, but as the son of Demeter and Zeus, Yoongi was held to standards beyond the constellations. He was a fertility god, forced to live in solitude with no one to speak to but the flowers and the earth. He had no claim to love, but everyone wanted to claim him.

Including the infamous Apollo.

Apollo, also known as Hoseok, was the epitome of greatness. He was a walking, talking, breathing incarnation of the sun, giving birth to echoes of valiant, triumphant music that sounded of sweet honey. Hoseok’s teeth were beams of light, his eyes two orbs of their own universe. Hoseok had curls of a lion's mane, glistening with rays of hope. The god was a beacon for those who needed it, and as beautiful as he was...

He could never be Yoongi’s.

Yoongi worked hard in his little hanok of vegetation, watching over the humans and granting them a helping hand when they needed it. Rain where there was drought, food where there was famine, flowers where there was darkness. You name it. Yoongi fixed it.

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