Sir N Suga

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Air by : Solastia


Taehyung comes home to a slutty hyung.


Some warnings: LOTS of use of the word slut. But it’s still sort of soft dom stuff. Light service sub. Light degradation.

Taehyung flings open the door to his apartment with a relieved sigh, happy to finally be done with his work for the day. He sets down his bag and kicks off his shoes, before finally setting his eyes on the view waiting for him.

His handsome, tough, and oh-so-sweet Yoongi hyung waiting for him without a stitch of clothing beyond his collar proudly boasting the word SLUT in sparkling diamonds. He's sitting in the proper first position - his knees bent and sitting on his thighs with his hands held behind his back. Who knows how long he's actually been sitting there like that getting in the proper headspace.

Taehyung strolls up slowly, tipping Yoongi's face up by his chin. Yoongi's eyes are somewhat hazy, but otherwise, he looks fine. No sign that he went into his space out of stress or anything.

"Welcome home, sir," Yoongi says happily, then opens his mouth wide. Taehyung grins— it's going to be one of those days.

"I see we are feeling slutty today. You want to be well used?" He asks teasingly, bopping his sub on the nose. Yoongi nods but keeps his mouth open and ready.

"Alright then. Who are we today?"

Yoongi's eyes narrow a bit and he brings a hand up to tap his collar before putting it back behind him.

Taehyung raises a brow. "Slut today, huh? Not kitten, or baby boy, or love of my life?" He cackles as Yoongi glares at him, the sight somehow funnier with his mouth wide open.

"Alright, alright. I'll get serious. Colors, slut," Taehyung grunts, hiding his grin. Slut wasn't even his most hardcore title. That was the one he liked being called when he wanted to be used like a whore— but one that Taehyung cared about. If he wanted to be smacked around or have him get really rough, they had other names they used for that.

"Red means stop, yellow means pause, green means keep going," Yoongi answers before returning to his previous position.

Taehyung hums approvingly as he unbuckles his belt. "Good, first things first. Let's relieve some stress after a hard day at work."

He pulls his cock out of his slacks, tugging it to bring it to full hardness. He smirks down at Yoongi as he brings it closer, sliding the tip around his pretty little lips.

He slides it into Yoongi's open mouth, sighing as it finds home in the familiar softness. He slides his hand into Yoongi's hair, using it to anchor himself as he slowly begins to buck his hips. Yoongi being the dick-sucking champ that he was merely relaxed in his hold and let Taehyung fuck his face. Taehyung grunted and kept his eyes on Yoongi's, loving the way he gagged around his cock, his pretty eyes tearing up each time Taehyung hit the back of his throat.

He pulled out for a moment, both to actually give Yoongi some air and also because the way Yoongi gasped for air and gurgled around the accumulated spit was hot.

"Here it comes, slut. Drink it all," Taehyung grins and practically shoves himself back into Yoongi's mouth until his dick bulges against his throat. He looks down and admires the way his slut looks with his balls mashed against his face.

His head falls back with a sigh as Yoongi swallows around his length, his hands tightening in his hair as he feels the first ripples of his release.

Yoongi gurgles and chokes as cum fills the tiny spaces he has left in his throat, struggling to swallow it all down when it's already filled with a giant cock. Taehyung sighs contentedly and pulls out, watching Yoongi carefully as he coughs and wipes his face of all the accumulated liquids.

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