Do Re Mi Fa So (Fuckin Done With You)

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Ao3 by - intronevermind

Summary :

Taehyung is the CEO of Cypher Radio and Yoongi might have sent the wrong picture to the wrong person.


Wednesday morning, 9AM: the event.

"Do you know why I called you in here?"

Yoongi swallows visibly, feels his hands tremble as he looks at the ground, too scared to look at the person in front of him.

His very intimidating, actually quite attractive (okay, if Yoongi's honest, ridiculously hot) boss whose voice can bring listeners to the radio station in a heartbeat, including Yoongi, because the only reason why he had even applied for the midnight slot at Cypher Radio had been because he has a crush on the breakfast show presenter.

Kim Taehyung, the one and only Kim Taehyung with his twenty-four years old and having an entire radio station on his own. A fucking popular one that is, in the middle of San Francisco, millions of listeners every day, the funniest presenters, the most varied radio slots, and then there's Min Yoongi.

Min Yoongi, who still struggles with words even when he's behind the microphone, but Namjoon always tells him his voice was made to be on air, so he tries to better himself. He really does.

But the second Kim Taehyung walks in, thirty minutes before his own show (because please ask God why they had decided to put Yoongi right before the archangel himself), he becomes a stuttering mess.

His hands start sweating, his mind starts working overtime and before he knows it, he's talking about his second grade teacher because his mind goes on a strike the minute he reaches his sixth year of being alive. Yoongi is twenty two now, and he can't even remember the degree he did at university when Taehyung walks into the booth and smiles at him.

That fucking smile, Yoongi doesn't think he will ever get over how weak it makes him feel to see Taehyung smile like he's puking sunbeams. It makes Yoongi's so sweaty, and red, and suddenly his lisp becomes clear in his speech and he stumbles over his words, and he doesn't really know what songs he still wants to play.

Because Taehyung is a melody on his own and Yoongi wants to scream it from the rooftops, but at the same time the words get lost in his throat.

And now he's here, in Taehyung's office, and Yoongi knows why he's here because he isn't stupid- okay maybe he is. He's really fucking stupid. He's the stupidest person in the fucking world.

Namjoon can confirm his stupidity, hell, his phone provider can too.

Who on fucking earth-


Tuesday night, 9PM: twelve hours before the event.

Namjoon is a dick, that's for sure, Yoongi knows he's a dick because Namjoon is the type of friend that the second the bill of their drinks is being served he suddenly needs to use the bathroom. He's a dick because Yoongi is always the one that needs to pay, and needs to drag his drunk ass back home. He's a dick, because Yoongi lives on the other side of San Francisco and the amount of money he needs to pay to drive from one side to another with a fucking cab is horrifying. He isn't working at a radio station to be Namjoon's sugar daddy, which would be weird because Namjoon is about three years older and more dominant that Yoongi will ever be so if one of them should be the daddy, it should be Namjoon.

But most of all, the biggest reason why his best friend and colleague is a dick, is because he thinks his dick is the biggest one.

kim namjoon
- yoongles
- let's face it.

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