Lips Like Sugar

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Ao3 by : dboyz


Yoongi's eyes always light up with a fiery passion when he's talking about music.

Every Friday night Taehyung tries his hardest to pull that passion to the surface, just to get to see that glimmer of passionate heat in Yoongi's eyes.

Every Friday night Taehyung wonders what it'd be like to be the source of the fire in Yoongi's eyes as well.

or; Taehyung and Yoongi co-host a campus radio show together and are famous for their debates (arguments) over music. Taehyung is punk rock through and through. Yoongi is a synth pop and new wave kind of guy. Taehyung is fast guitars and aggressive lyrics and Yoongi is slow electric keyboards and meaningful melodies. Taehyung is the Sex Pistols and Yoongi is The Cure. Famous for their differences and the arguments those differences cause, listeners tune in every Friday to hear them bicker, wondering who will get the last word. What nobody knows is that Taehyung only picks fights cause he loves to listen to Yoongi's passionate rants about music and to see the sparkle that enters his eyes.


"You coming to Hope's tonight?" Jimin lounges on Taehyung's bed in their shared dorm room, his own bed looking practically immaculate compared to Taehyung's mess of blankets and pillows. Laying back on the bed, Jimin flips through a magazine, not really caring about what he's reading, his eyes just flitting over the cliché celebrity bullshit with disinterest.

"Can't, it's Friday, got the show tonight," Taehyung emerges from the bathroom, pulling a black sweater over his head quickly, a little bit of static making his hair stand up. After pulling his shirt on, he shakes his hair out roughly, letting the fluffy black locks lay how they want. The sweater is riddled with holes, some of Taehyung's own making and some from just the wear and tear of owning an article of clothing too long. Taehyung doesn't mind it, not one to care about his clothes getting tattered, same way he doesn't care about his hair being so long that his bangs fall over his eyes. Golden skin peeks through the ripped fabric and the neckline shows off his collar bones.

"Ah, right," Jimin throws the magazine to the side and props himself up with his elbows, his dark hair falling over one eye before he pushes it back, his rings almost matching the silver highlights in his hair, "I forgot you have to go argue with Min Yoongi over music all night, when the whole time you really just want to bone him." Jimin grins, waggling his eyebrows suggestively. As Taehyung rolls his eyes at the bold statement, the door to their room opens and Jungkook steps through, his boots heavy on the wooden floor as he walks.

"Jesus, that's not-"

"Are you really going to try and say you don't want to bone him? It's literally so obvious." Jimin rolls his eyes as Jungkook kisses him on the cheek in greeting and sits on the bed next to him.

Jungkook and Jimin, visually, are a contrast to say the least. Jimin is petite, everything about his body and features looks so angelic, poised. The white long-sleeve tucked neatly into his green and black plaid trousers only completes his clean look. Jungkook, next to him, looks so dark compared to his other half, dressed in all black, besides the chains on his pants that clank against the bedframe when he shifts on the bed. Tattoos cover his arms from the shoulder all the way down to his knuckles and his inky black hair is shaved close on the sides and styled into a messy faux hawk on the top. Somehow, though they look like the epitome of light and dark, somehow they look perfect together.

"Who does Tae not want to bone? Yoongi?"

Taehyung glares at the youngest of their trio, while Jimin lays back against the pillows with a triumphant smile.

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