A Pretty Mess

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Ao3 by : Kokoddu

Summary :

"What is it?"

"I'm not...I can't..."

"You don't wanna do it? Hey, that's fine-"

"Quiet," Yoongi mutters, and god, he's blushing so much.

"Quiet?" Taehyung repeats, his eyes widening when he realizes. "You can't be quiet? Is that what you're saying?"


The sexual tension between Yoongi and Taehyung has reached the limit after the PTD concerts in Los Angeles. Shenanigans ensue.


It’s the little things.

It’s the way he looks down and tries to hold back the smile curling at his lips, the way he pretends he didn't hear anything but his cheeks get red anyway. It’s the way he opens his mouth to say something, but nothing ever comes out, just a little shut up as he looks away and miserably tries to look unaffected. It’s his hands shaking ever so slightly and his skin tingling with goosebumps, or his pupils dilated every time Taehyung gives him a smile.

It’s the way he always looks at Taehyung’s lips, swallows down, then pretends he doesn't want it. He doesn’t want him.

It’s the way he fools himself by saying he’s not interested and tries to make everyone believe that lie.

The little things he does, the things he says, that's what Taehyung likes the most about him.

He also likes his voice, that little pleasant noise in the back of his throat when he drinks something he likes, or when Taehyung offers to give him a quick massage when he’s too tired or stressed. He likes his hands, his long fingers, always shaking when he tries to find the courage to touch him back.

Ah, that’s something Taehyung loves. He’s weak for it, for those long and trembling fingers resting on his knee, never going up, never moving, just staying there as he looks away and pretends this isn’t happening. But Taehyung is looking. It’s late, the city lights aren’t so bright anymore, but Taehyung looks anyway. He can’t take his eyes off his hand. And, the thing is, it happens a lot. This, the whole I leave my hand here and never say a word about it thing, it happens all the time. And Taehyung never does or says anything about it either, always waiting for him to continue, move his hand, and touch him freely.

Tonight though, he doesn’t want that.

It must be the bottle of soju they shared or the fact that they just had their first offline concert after years of performing for nothing but cameras and they’re still too high on that feeling. Taehyung honestly doesn’t know, he doesn’t think too much about it. The only thing he’s sure of is that he doesn’t want that hand to leave his knee the moment they arrive at the hotel. He doesn’t want him to look away, say good night, and fool himself once again. Taehyung doesn’t want to spend another night trying to believe whatever lie he’s trying to sell. So, turning his head to his left a little bit so he can look at him, Taehyung reaches down, curls his fingers around his wrist, and moves his hand up. Not too much, never too much, just enough to make him understand what he wants.

“Don’t be a fool,” He begs him, and Taehyung doesn’t realize how tired he is until he hears his own voice.
“Hyung, please, stop playing this dumb game and do it.”

Yoongi doesn’t say anything. For long minutes, he looks outside the window, the city lights too dim to show how bad he’s blushing, but Taehyung knows. He can always see when he’s miserably trying to look unaffected.

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