So Sweet With A Mean Streak

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Ao3 by : fl0wersan

Summary :

When Yoongi is outed to the rest of the group, he lets Taehyung join him for a smoke on his balcony, like they always do.

But maybe there's some tension that leads Yoongi to make a bit of a rash decision


Yoongi isn't quite as sad as he should be that Taehyung and Jimin have broken up.


"Yoon, you out here?" Taehyung called, sticking his head out of his hyung's window.

The redhead's question was answered as he spotted his blonde hyung perched on the small balcony, cigarette slotted between his thin fingers.

"I thought you would be." The younger continued, climbing not-so gracefully, through the window.

"You okay, hyung?" He asked, huddling next to the blonde as he took another drag from his cigarette.

Probably not the best question to ask, to be honest.

Yoongi nodded, smiling as he exhaled.

"I'm fine, Tae, just a bit freaked out, is all. This wasn't the time the time I thought I would be coming out to all of you."

Taehyung nodded, again, a sympathetic smile on his face.

"Maybe it's for the best, hyung. Why didn't you want to tell us?"

Yoongi only shrugged, offering his half-empty pack to the younger.

"I knew you would all be okay with it, what with your and Jimin coming out last year, but I guess I was still scared. It's a lot harder than they make it seem in American teen movies." He stated, chuckling softly as his dongsaeng proceeded to light his own cigarette.

"Yeah, about that." Taehyung muttered, drawing out the end of the sentence.

"Chim and I are kinda over. It happened last night."

For Yoongi to say he was happy at the statement was unfair, but he also probably couldn't say that he was upset. He would be lying if he said that he didn't find the younger incredibly attractive, finding it hard to stop himself from kissing him, sometimes. Especially on their, almost nightly, cigarette chats on his cramped balcony, the two males tucked too close to each other's sides.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Tae. You two seemed really good together."

The redhead nodded, slowly, closing his eyes as he exhaled.

"It sucks but it'll probably work our for the best. Fans were starting to get even more suspicious than usual."

Yoongi couldn't help but stare at his fellow bandmate, his eyes still firmly shut as he took drags from his cigarette, the action being completely ruled by muscle memory. The blonde's eyes scanned every aspect of his dongsaeng. From the way his long lashes brushed against his cheeks, to his tanned and toned arms. Even down to the way his left hand was drawing subconscious circles on his extended legs, feet resting against the railing. Everything about the boy seemed to be perfectly sculpted and right there for Yoongi to take.

He was quick to stub out his own cigarette, deciding that today apparently was just going to be full of surprises. The elder slowly shifted his position, until his legs were bracketing Taehyung's thighs. His breath against the younger's skin, and the weight of him across his lap, pulled Taehyung's eyes open, instantly locking with Yoongi's, a hint of desperation making itself apparent.

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