When He Calls Me

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Ao3 by : Jiminssi_ifya (unamaga), unamaga

Summary :

Yoongi is dozing in a patch of sun at the foot of Taehyung's bed in his human skin when Taehyung gets home from visiting with his family.

He's lazy and content and not expecting Taehyung's sudden hunger.


Yoongi is dozing in a patch of sun at the foot of Taehyung's bed in his human skin when Taehyung gets home from visiting with his family, completely absorbed in the warmth and purring quietly to himself, unaware of Taehyung unbuttoning his jeans and pushing his pants off in the doorway so when he gets to the bed the only warning Yoongi has before Taehyung's sliding into him is the quick murmur of a lubrication spell.

Yoongi's startled little prrt is overshadowed by the long, satisfied groan Taehyung lets out when he's all the way in, hunkering down over Yoongi's sun-warmed back to nuzzle at his collared neck.

"Mmm, you're so relaxed, kitten."

And Ykongi is; even in his shock he hadn't tensed up, had just let Taehyung and his fat cock in like it was second nature.

Even without stretching, he was wet enough to take it easily. The lubrication spell is always a little too much, actually, spilling out around
Taehyung's dick on every egress, slicking behind Yoongi's balls and the inner creases of his pale, silky thighs and making the glide almost frictionless.

Yoongi's achingly close too soon.

With Taehyung bearing down on him the way he is, pinning him to the bed, Taehyung's cock is pushing into him almost perpendicular at first, only to be forced to conform to the angle of Yoongi's hole halfway in, and the incredible pressure of it is hitting Yoongi's prostate dead-on like Taehyung's fucking it directly.

Even pinned, his hips are hitched up a little to hold Taehyung's weight off his chest, so his cock is barely touching the fabric of the quilt, no friction to give him any relief.

It makes yoongi's ears ring, his skin feel drum-tight and hot, sensitive to even the slightest hint of Taehyung on him.

"Oh, you left your bell on today, sweetheart?" Taehyung asks, sounding breathlessly excited, and Yoongi realizes suddenly the ringing in his ears isn't his blood rushing frantically in his veins, but his collar.

"I- you l-left it out," Yoongi stutters out, words chopped up by the constant thrust of Taehyung's cock pushing him down into the bed.

He'd found it all shined up and clean on Taehyung's nightstand, the material supple and smelling of the honey leather conditioner Taehyung likes to use on his satchel.

He hadn't been able to resist putting it on, a little reminder of taehyung against his skin while he waited for his witch to come home to him.

He hadn't expected this, though, hadn't thought through what it might sound like to be fucked good and hard with his bell on. Taehyung seems to like it, maybe more than Yoongi even, trailing kisses from Yoongi's sensitive ear down his nape to pull at the leather with his teeth and make the bell ring off-beat.

"God," Taehyung rasps there, smearing his words against Yoongi's skin, "Can't wait to hear what it sounds like when you're shaking too hard to get away from me fucking you even harder after you come."

"Taehyung —!" Yoongi gasps, but his words are stolen from him by Taehyung's increased pace, by the big hand Taehyung puts between his shoulders for better leverage.

He thought Taehyung was screwing him at an impossible angle before, but now Taehyung's doing it on purpose, hips precise and maddening.

Yoongi's burning, his entire body feels like it's on fire, and his prostate is nearly sore it's been fucked so well for so long. Every thrust feels like the beginning of a new orgasm, the prominent ridge of Taehyung's cockhead pushing in and then pulling out again and again, like maddening fingers coming at him from two directions.

His cock's been dripping pearly come for long moments already, milked from him so steadily he feels crazy, like he's been having the longest orgasm of his life, when Taehyung finally, mercifully yanks his legs out from under him to push him down flat and gives him the rough friction of cloth against his neglected cock.

He's spiraling into a ruinous finale of an orgasm just one quick grind later, his throat raw from screaming, his chest and face and stomach soaked with drool and tears and come.

His head goes blank.

He can hear Taehyung's voice, processes that dear witch whispering filthy praise into his ear ("so fucking good, kitten, just like that," and, "listen to you, you make the prettiest noises when you're stuck on my cock and you can't escape," and, "no, no, don't try that, just stay where you are and let me use your wet hole to finish"), but he has no control over his body yet, can't stop it from writhing and bucking and shaking.

Taehyung's right, his bell does make even more noise then.

It takes longer than Yoongi's distant thoughts were expecting for Taehyung's hips to finally go jerky and uncoordinated, almost to the point where he's starting to feel less shocky and more pleasured again.

Taehyung takes the meat of Yoongi's shoulder in his teeth to come, groaning around his mouthful and fucking his come into Yoongi's hole with short, stabbing thrusts.

When he settles, the heavy blanket of his body just slightly off center so Yoongi isn't crushed, Yoongi can't help a quiet little mewl or the way he cants his head towards Taehyung for kisses. he can't see Taehyung's face in this position, but he hears taehyung's muted smile in his ragged voice when he laughs and obliges.


I had to republish this one because it was not edited.  Sorry for the inconvenience 😭


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