And They Were Roomates

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Ao3 by : TaestyThai

Summary :

Moody Yoongi and promiscuous Taehyung have been living together while attending school despite not always getting along. Even though they have their differences, Taehyung's eccentricity can sometimes be a good thing for Yoongi, especially when it comes to getting him out of his comfort zone.



Yoongi groaned and rolled over in his bed, woken up yet again in the middle of the night by one his roommate's escapades. This wasn't unusual, Taehyung brought someone back to the apartment almost every night on weekends and occasionally on weekdays too.

The constant background noise in their apartment had become the sound of strangers' screams that could be heard through the thin walls, calling out for the younger man desperately.

Pathetically, in Yoongi’s opinion.

Another high pitched cry and the sound of one of Taehyung's large hands slapping down hard on wet skin rang through the room. Yoongi groaned again, using his pillow to cover his face and ears as he crawled deeper under the covers.

He and Taehyung had been living together for four months now, figuring it made sense over getting a random roommate to live with at University and risking getting assigned someone who would end up being a complete mess. Even though they disagreed on most things, Taehyung made him laugh, kept the apartment clean, and he liked having someone to force him out of the house sometimes.

But his recent string of sexual conquests were driving Yoongi insane.

Taehyung wasn't discriminatory when it came to who he slept with, bringing all sorts of individuals home to be heard throughout the night, their cries ranging from deep, harsh grunts to piercing wails.

Yoongi had learned over the past months that Taehyung was most definitely above average below the waist, being subjected to both women and men announcing it through the walls without shame.


Tonight, it seems, he decided on a woman. A woman with an irritatingly shrill voice.

A sleepy growl rumbled in Yoongi's chest and he threw his covers off, determined to make the incessant cries come to a stop. He rose from his bed and blindly shuffled towards the door in his boxers and T-shirt, his dark hair messy and face puffy from sleep. The light invaded his room as he swung the door open and he frowned into the bright hallway, rethinking his choice to interrupt for a moment.

No. He was not going to let this dongsaeng ruin his beauty sleep anymore, he was going to put his foot down.

Yoongi took a deep breath while standing outside Taehyung's door and then reached for the handle, ready to throw it wide open and expose him. But right before his hand made contact, the door opened on its own.

"Hey Hyung," Taehyung said casually, leaning on the doorframe while brushing his wild, minty green hair back from his face.

Yoongi gulped. He wasn't prepared for how sexy Taehyung was going to look post-fuck.

The younger man's tall, lean frame filled the doorway nicely, his tan skin on full display with just a pair of loose black pants hanging low on his hips to conceal the rest of his body. Yoongi’s eyes dragged over the exposed skin, a light layer of sweat giving him a healthy glow in the warm light of the hallway.

"Did you need something?" He asked, his voice low and suggestive, dark eyes trained on Yoongi's now bright red and flustered face.

Yoongi took a step back while blinking hard and a smirk tugged at the corner of Taehyung's lips.

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