Say So

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Ao3 by : LetMeDown

Summary :

"And this would be... our romantic relationship?"

"Yes, exactly."

"Okay and can you tell me how long we've been in one cause I didn't get the fucking memo?"

"Wait, what?"

or: Taehyung and Yoongi confess to each other. Taehyung thinks they're in a relationship. Yoongi, not so much.


"So you confessed?" Jimin asks him.

"Yes." Taehyung nods.

"And then Yoongi-hyung also confessed?"


"But then he... Didn't say anything this morning?"

Taehyung shrugs. "Honestly, he was pretty wasted last night. And you know how he is. He's probably just shy. He walked into the kitchen and I made him some coffee and breakfast and he kept looking at me but whenever I asked what's up he'd just dismiss it. I didn't wanna push him, he's cute."

"That's very nice of you, Taehyungie." Jimin looks at him, arranging the glasses behind the bar. "It could be that he's too shy to say anything, I mean, if he really has liked you for months then I understand."

"Yeah. Exactly. And like - this is something I've wanted for so long. I don't mind waiting. I don't wanna move too fast and scare him off. He's like a cat, you gotta approach him slowly and carefully."

"That's a good point."

Yeah, Taehyung thinks to himself. It is a good point. Yoongi hasn't had a partner in all the time that Taehyung's known him and been roommates with him. Maybe he just likes to take things really slowly. Which is totally fine! Taehyung is completely fine with that because he wants to do this right. He'll give Yoongi all the time he needs and let him set the pace.


So this whole letting Yoongi set the pace of their relationship thing is killing Taehyung. Don't get him wrong - he is a patient man, but there are limits to every behavior. For example: having Min Yoongi as your not only roommate but boyfriend as of recently and not being able to kiss him is not the easiest thing in the world.

Especially when Yoongi is the softest thing on the planet - waking up with messy hair and puffy cheeks, eyes half closed and deep voice wishing Taehyung a good morning. It's tough, okay?

But, he also wants this to work and if Yoongi isn't ready to do anything yet, he's gonna wait. It's not like they don't cuddle every other night when they get the time to watch the movie together. Taehyung remembers Yoongi pretending not to like physical contact all that much in the beginning but soon enough it became pretty obvious that he's just as affectionate as Taehyung, only not as ready to take initiative.

Which is fine, because Taehyung has no problems hugging him and tickling him because let's be real - Yoongi is, at the end of the day, small.

"There's a party Namjoon is throwing." Yoongi says, sitting across from Taehyung at their dining table.

"Well, Namjoon and Seokjin. Housewarming."

"Didn't they move in together two months ago?"

"Yeah, exactly. I dunno, we've all been busy and they really wanna do it, even if it's been two months. You wanna come?"

"Sure." Taehyung smiles at him.

"Okay, cool. You wanna come with me?"

"Well, duh. Who else would I want to come with?"

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