Russian Roulette Is Not The Same Without A Gun

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Ao3 by : Bandit4Life

Summary :

“You’ll try to attract the wrong people one day.”

“Dangerous people?” Yoongi asks and he couldn’t help but let his tongue swipe over Taehyung’s thumb for a second. A smirk settles on his lips as he huffs, “Dangerous? That sounds good.”

Yoongi likes to pick up rich guys at clubs to get through life but there's one particular man who first leaves him standing and then requests something from him that changes his life. Oh, also - vampires, apparently, exist.


The bass is thumping in Yoongi’s chest like a second heartbeat. It thrums through his whole body in waves of shock. Bright, colorful lights flash around him, the smell of sweat and lust clouds the air so much that he could taste it on his tongue.

It makes a hot sensation bloom in the very pit of his stomach. Awakens a desire that fills him up until it seeps out of every pore of his body.

Whatever this hot heaviness in his stomach is - it ignites the second Yoongi’s eyes meet his. Through the crowd of dancing people, through the masses of sweaty bodies that dance and grind on each other without any care in the world he sees him. And when their eyes meet electricity runs through his veins. Something akin to hunger blooms in his chest as he detaches himself from the guy he’s been dancing with for the past few minutes.

He was a decent guy - seemed at least a little loaded and he was so into Yoongi. It was a guaranteed lay and he would have definitely found something to take back at the guy’s place.

That’s what he does best - find someone who seems a little rich, let them have their way with him and when they’re done he takes as much as he could take. Exactly what their time with him was worth. It’s not an ideal way of living but Yoongi doesn’t think it’s particularly bad either.

It’s a little dangerous - but there’s no fun without danger. No risk no fun, right? That’s why Russian roulette is such an exhilarating game. A gamble that Yoongi is willing to make because one day something is bound to go wrong, one day he’ll be hit by the bullet but until then - his eyes search for the handsome male across the room again - until then he would enjoy himself.

“Where are you going?” Yoongi flinches back when the guy he’s been dancing with suddenly looms over him, lips almost pressing against his ear so he will be heard above the music. Ah - his breath stinks.

“Away from you.” He shrugs the other’s arm off and is about to push further through the crowd when the guy grabs his arm. Tightly. How annoying.

“You -” Yoongi doesn’t even let him finish before his fingers easily find the pressure points on the other’s wrist. By now it happens through muscle memory alone, pressing his fingers into the guy’s flesh until he releases him with a cry of pain.

“Back the fuck off,” Yoongi hisses, “I’m not interested anymore.”

The guy doesn’t try to hold him back again.

Yoongi pushes through the people, searching those intense eyes through the hazy lights of the club. It’s strange - he couldn’t quite explain it but he could feel those eyes on his skin still. As if they’re watching him from the shadows. But Yoongi is determined to find that shadow.

And as if he heard him the man steps forward, a purple light momentarily illuminates him, and Yoongi’s eyes are locked with him again. Those eyes that seem to shine in the darkness. Even from so far away, Yoongi swears he could feel the hunger in his eyes. He’s never seen someone as attractive as this before, dripping in designer clothes and he knows - Yoongi knows that he’s going to have this man by the end of the night.

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