PART 2 - Too Much, Not Enough

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Part 2 of the; The Sound of You Series.

Ao3 by : allie (sobangcha8)

Summary :

Yoongi and Taehyung buy some fun new toys, and while waiting for them in the mail, they have some fun with each other.


Yoongi sits snugly against Taehyung’s side, one of his arms resting comfortably around Yoongi’s shoulders.

Taehyung’s laptop sits in front of them, and he’s using his free arm to scroll through the site. Yoongi chuckles softly, thinking about how far he’s come.

He thinks that this time six months ago, scrolling through a website that sells sex toys would have made him - at the very least - blush scarlet. But look at him now, perfectly calm. Excited.

He smiles, pointing out a few of the different toys that intrigue him, ones he thinks he might want to try. Already in their cart is a fairly large dildo - not quite as large as Taehyung’s biggest, but close - a vibrator, a beautiful glass plug, and, the reason they’re even shopping on this site, three thin, flexible silicone sounds of varying sizes, apparently better for first-timers, according to Taehyung and Yoongi’s research.

Yoongi brought up the fact that he might one day want to try it shortly after his first experience helping Taehyung do it to himself. But that’s all it was, at first, just an idea, that he might want to try it.

Taehyung never pushed him, or tried to goad him into it. He didn’t need to. All he needed to do was continue using the sound with Yoongi right there to watch him fall apart, and that was enough to make Yoongi near desperate to try it himself.

It’s taken some time, however, to build up the courage. In the meantime, Yoongi has tried a few new things he might never have thought he wanted to do before, but which he loved.

He doesn’t think he’ll ever forget the way Taehyung froze, his eyes wide as plates, when Yoongi tentatively told him in bed one night, “Tae-yah, I want you to fuck my face.” Yoongi gives great head, that’s a fact they were both well aware of, but he’s always maintained control when blowing Taehyung.

So when the words slipped past his lips after a filthy kiss, Taehyung reeled back.

“What? Really?” He whispered, reaching up to cup Yoongi’s cheek in his palm, his thumb tracing back and forth over his smooth, heated skin.

Yoongi nodded, feeling hot, his cock so hard he wanted a great many things right then that he might have been too shy to ask for before.

“I’ll be gentle,” Taehyung breathed, kissing him again, before moving off the bed to stand.

He grabbed a pillow and threw it to the floor in front of him.

“Wanna see you on your knees in front of me, baby.”

Yoongi moved to the floor, getting on his knees on the pillow in front of Taehyung, his hands caressing the sides of his thighs. He looked up and smirked.

“What if I don’t want you to be gentle?” He purred, and it nearly ruined the mood because Taehyung was so shocked he nearly choked on his tongue, and Yoongi laughed.

But they got it back together, and… Yoongi loved it. He loved it. He couldn’t believe he’d never let Taehyung do that before.

The way it felt was so. Freeing, Yoongi thought. The feeling of Taehyung’s hands in his hair, holding tightly, his thighs flexing under Yoongi’s fingers as he held on tight while Taehyung used his mouth and his throat for his own pleasure.

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