Wow! That's Loud

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Ao3 by : sunflaked

Summary :

Yoongi uses his "I'm in a band" card to get laid, basically (and catches feelings quick as karma).


Taehyung is tired as hell. It’s been a long recording day and his arms hurt and his brain is drained and he’s hungry. He remembers the burrito commercial he saw earlier that day and can taste de fake meat and watered-down salsa from that place that’s on Sunset Boulevard.

“The one next to all the tattoo shops?” Jungkook asks as he grabs the keys to lock up the studio.

“Yeah, that one, close to 80.” Taehyung replies without much enthusiasm.

Yoongi just called him for the third time that night and—

“We can have a drink after?” Jungkook suggests.

He’s heard the phone go off three times already and today wasn’t the first time it happened. Yesterday wasn’t either.

“Actually, I’m not asking. We’re having a drink after.”

Taehyung knows Yoongi won’t be happy; he doesn’t feel bad though, it’s not like Taehyung upset him to begin with. He was already upset.

A stick up your ass, is what Taehyung had said. A stick and your head.

Fuck off, is what Yoongi replied, slamming the door.

The burrito is shit, but miraculously tastes like heaven too. The tortilla is a little dry, kind of flakey and the thawed meat tastes like fridge.

Jungkook is leaving too much on his plate from the nachos he ordered and Taehyung reaches to wet his burrito a little with the cheese and sour crème.

Much better; it’s something Yoongi taught him.

Two more songs, that’s all. They just need to record two more songs and they can submit the album and maybe, just maybe, their record label won’t say anything and everything will go according to plan and Methyd will have their first album out by the end of March.

But you have final exams Taehyung, Yoongi told him while holding Tae’s law books. You’re seriously recording while going through the most crucial part of your soon to be career?

He did. He took the last one of them today, something about criminal law.

Taehyung couldn’t remember really, the whole time he was tapping his feet to a new tune that popped in his head for track 8. He tried his best, Taehyung always told Yoongi he would try his best; didn’t care to explain with what and Yoongi selfishly assumed it had to do with everything.

Taehyung was tired and the burrito drenched with nacho cheese spoke more sweetly than Yoongi has in two weeks.

“’Aight man, whenever you’re done. It’s early still” Jungkook glances at his watch. “It’s barely one in the morning. 80 should be open and just getting good.”

It’s two glasses of more rum than coke, when Yoongi calls again.

“Yes?” Taehyung answers. He doesn’t want to fight, he’s tired.

“I—You answered.”

“You called.”

“I did. Yes, I have been calling actually.”

“I know.”

“Ah, so you were ignoring me. Straight up just—”

“Ah, so you got the hint.”

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