Learning To Love Mondays

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Ao3 by : pjmkth


Yoongi can't remember a moment when he didn't love Taehyung, but what he does know is that this won't end well but when Taehyung is looking at him with a big eyes and soft pout he can't bring himself to say no. and if he were to be completely honest, he doesn't think he would ever deny anything Taehyung were to ask of him.

or more importantly where Taehyung begs Yoongi to be his fake boyfriend to make a guy in his class jealous, the only problem is that Yoongi is in love with him.


If someone were to ask Yoongi why he liked Sunday mornings so much he would probably gruff and not respond. He’d probably be too invested in the new book he was reading or he would be too intensely locked into his phone writing an outline for a story prompt he had been interested in writing. But if he were to be pulled out of his bubble he would simply say that Sunday’s were the best days to relax and enjoy himself. The farmers market was open on Sunday and the coffee shops he frequented always seemed to make the best Americanos on those days. So as Yoongi made his way back up the somewhat lopsided and creaking stairs of his apartment building with his steaming hot coffee in hand, one could guess that he was in a particularly good mood. But as he reached his floor that’s when he heard it, the muffled sound of West Side Story being played. He sighed because this meant his roommate, Taehyung, was in a particularly bad mood, or rather in a particularly somber one.

Whenever a musical soundtrack was blasting throughout the apartment this meant that Taehyung was either: A. unbelievably happy or B. particularly sad. But West Side Story was always Taehyungs go-to sad soundtrack. And Yoongi knew the louder the song was being played the worse the mood his friend was bound to be in. And if the thrumming of the beat being heard from down the hall was any indication of the noise level, he knew he was about to be face to face with a kicked puppy-dog look.

Yoongi considered stopping and turning around. He wondered if he should let Taehyung know he would be on his way back. But against all other thoughts in his mind he pushed through and dug out the key from deep within his pea coat and opened the door.

The fresh smell of cleaning products hit Yoongi’s nose with force almost making the boy’s eyes water from the intensity. Yoongi looked around and toed off his shoes as he watched Taehyung with red eyes and tear stained cheeks swing around the apartment with a spray bottle and wipes in hand. He almost laughed at how ridiculous the scene looked.

“—And suddenly I’ve found how wonderful a sound can be!” Taehyung shouted the lyrics as he sprayed their coffee table and began to wipe down the surface.

He wiped his eyes on his sleeve and continued,

“Maria! Say it loud and there’s music playing! Say it soft! And it’s—”

As Yoongi shut off the music he stared deadpan at Taehyung who was still shouting lyrics as he paused and looked over at Yoongi with his mouth opened still. They blinked at each other a few times before Yoongi spoke,

“Alright Tony, you aren’t outside right now. You’re going to give us another noise complaint if you keep screaming like that.”

Taehyung’s cheeks flushed as he set down the spray bottle and cleaning spray,

“Sorry hyung.” His voice was raspy from the yelling he had been doing for Yoongi can only imagine hours.

Their apartment had looked like a disaster when Yoongi left this morning and right now it looked as though he could eat off the floor without any issue. He took a sip of his coffee and leaned against the wall of their entry way.

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