I Wanna Hold Your Hand

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Ao3 by : adidasjungkook

Summary : 

Four different ways and reasons why TaeGi holds hands.



Yoongi could kill him just about now.

He hates it when Taehyung gets like this, when he's so adamant on disagreeing with every single one of Yoongi's opinions.

He knows he does it on purpose, because sometimes he gets in those moods where he thinks it's fun to rile him up.

Yoongi bites anyways, huffs and groans out arguments even though he knows it's pointless.

"Hyung, I really don't think we should do it this way." Taehyung says, his tone playful.

He's trying to get a reaction out of him. It's working.

"Which one of us is the producer, again?" Yoongi groans, glaring at him.

"I still think I'm right, it'll sound better if we switch the first verse with the second one." Taehyung shrugs.

Yoongi takes a deep breath, then exhales.

Multiple times as he tries not to give into the fight.

There's just something about Taehyung, something he can't shake, that gets under his skin and makes his blood boil.

Normally he'd walk away, shrug it off and carry on but with Taehyung it's like he wants to keep going.

There's something that drives him to snap back at Taehyung.

It could be the way Tae's face looks when he argues, determined and his features defined.

Or maybe it's just that deep rumbling feeling inside his chest that, a raw emotion he can't name.

"Taehyung, please." He warns, his voice stern and steady.

He's unwavering, trying not to let himself get too riled up.

"What? You know I'm right." He says with a smug smile on his face.

Yoongi hates how handsome he is, even in situations like these.

"You're not. You're only doing this because you know it pisses me off." Yoongi groans, running his hand over his face.

Taehyung chuckles under his breath and leans back on his hands, head tilted back.

Yoongi's eyes follow the curve of his body, watches the way his tongue licks over his bottom lip, his hand splayed on the couch.

This makes him even more mad.

How good he looks, how Yoongi almost wants to agree with him just so he can kiss him, so he can sit in his lap and get those big hands on his thighs...

No. Yoongi groans and reaches over to kick at his leg.

"Stop that.”

"I'm not doing anything." Taehyung says with a smile, bright and glowing.

"You know what you're doing." Yoongi groans.

God, he wants to kiss that stupid smile off his face.

He doesn't even really remember what they're fighting about in the first place, just knows that he's annoyed and he wants to be right.

It's been like this since they met. Taehyung and Yoongi have very different opinions and are both very adamant in defending them.

TAEGI SMUTS [ᵃᵒ3]  Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu