Post Cards From Italy

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Ao3 by : kashmir, lil roar roar (kashmir)

Summary :

Min Yoongi is being forced to take a vacation to Italy. He is determined to not enjoy a single minute of it. And then he meets Kim Taehyung.


“I just don’t see the point,” Yoongi says, hair and jacket damp from the soft drizzle falling outside of Incheon Airport.

Seokjin sighs and continues to press buttons on the self-serve kiosk, scanning Yoongi’s passport, printing boarding passes and luggage tags.

“And that’s the problem, Yoongi-chi,” Seokjin gathers up Yoongi’s paperwork and starts herding them and Yoongi’s luggage towards the checked baggage drop off.

“You’re so deep in your rut that you can’t see the forest for the trees!”

Yoongi crosses his arms as he watches his luggage being swept away by the conveyor belt behind the counter, passively lets Seokjin lead him towards security.

“I think you’re mixing up your metaphors, hyung.”

Seokjin stops them at the end of the security line and turns to face Yoongi, placing his hands on Yoongi’s shoulders.

“You’re a little shit, Min Yoongi. But I love you and you need this even if you can’t see that. Take advantage of being on sabbatical. Just— go and try not to be so anti-social the whole time? Trust hyung, okay?”

Yoongi sighs and reluctantly accepts Seokjin’s hug.

“Fine. If I promise to try and not hate every second, will you promise to never book me a vacation through a singles website ever again?”

Seokjin nudges him towards the security line, handing him his boarding pass and passport.

“I make no such promises. Now go, shoo. Have fun.”

Security is a relatively smooth process for once and Yoongi’s through the line and at his gate with plenty of time to spare. He buys some snacks and water to have on the plane with him, scrolls mindlessly through SNS for a while while he waits for his zone to be called, and once he’s boarded settles in with a resigned sigh to his seat for the long flight.

He’s got his neck pillow out and his noise canceling headphones ready to go when it happens. He’s almost positive that he’s going to have the row all to himself and he knows that if that’s the case, this flight won’t be total agony.

Except right before the flight attendants close the plane door, there is a flurry of noise and movement and then suddenly, a body is throwing itself into the empty seat in his row. Yoongi glances over and is met with the sight of possibly the most handsome man he’s ever laid eyes on, even in his disheveled state.

The stranger catches Yoongi looking at him and his mouth breaks out into a boxy grin. He sticks his hand out and Yoongi blindly takes it, mentally wondering how the hell this guy gets his hands so soft.

“Hi, oh wow, so sorry, you were probably looking forward to having the row to yourself,” The guy says, ending the handshake and getting up to stow his carry on.

He keeps talking, even as the pilot starts his announcements and the flight attendants begin the safety instructions.

“I know I always get excited when I have the whole row to myself. It’s not as great as a bed for these long flights, but at least you can stretch out and not have to worry about being next to some weird stranger.” He pauses as he sits, buckles himself in. Turns to Yoongi again. “I’m Taehyung, by the way. So we’re not strangers anymore. You may still think I’m weird though, but you wouldn’t be the first person.” He grins at Yoongi and Yoongi feels a little dizzy.

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