Work To Do

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Ao3 by : CharlesFrankenstein

Summary :

Taehyung finds himself obsessed with Yoongi’s new muscular ass.


The members crowded around a staff member’s phone to monitor the last take of their music video shoot. The muffled audio was just barely louder than Hobi barking out corrections to the others.

“Wait wait wait, pause!” Taehyung tapped the screen to freeze the image in place but waited for what felt like an eternity for everyone else to realize why.

“You don’t see it?”

“See what, Taehyung-ah?” Jimin asked.

“Yoongi’s ass is insane.”

After a moment of awkward silence, Hobi cracked up into Namjoon’s ear with Yoongi shouting “HAJIMA!” and covering the screen with his palm. Jimin and Jungkook wrestled it back for Tae, observing with wide eyes Taehyung’s discovery.

“No yeah, that’s a great ass, hyung,” Jungkook said with a mixture of jealousy and arousal. All seven of them were lined up in their nice suit pants, all asses on display, but none quite as full and well-postured as Min Yoongi’s.

They were soon broken apart by their make-up artists and after a few more giggles were back into work mode. But Taehyung wasn’t ready to move on.

On the plane right back to Korea, Yoongi stood up to stretch somewhere over Great Britain and while the rest of the members were asleep, Taehyung looked up from his dim phone screen to enjoy.

“Hyung, is it deadlifts? Squats? Leg presses?”

“Shuttit” Yoongi barked back, quietly but firmly. But he didn’t sit down right away. He continued stretching, his olive green oversized t-shirt raising just high enough for Tae to see the waistband of his underwear.

Yoongi twisted his shoulders back and forth and noticed for a brief moment that Tae’s right leg was up on his chair, concealing a small secret just under his safety belt. The hyung grabbed his phone from his pocket but dropped it, taking all the time in the world to bend over and pick it up.



Yoongi smirked and took his seat while Taehyung looked back down at his phone with a sly grin.

Yoongi had barely been in his studio for ten minutes when his phone buzzed in his pocket.

hyung, can I come to the studio?
yah cmon
ok but you know what I’m asking right?
v subtle. come on in taehyung-ah

After Tae responded with a tongue-out emoji, Yoongi slid the phone back in his pocket and found an angle where he could see his reflection in his computer screen. His eyes looked tired and his hair had a cowlick, but nothing to be done about either of those things.

So he just waited. Until Tae buzzed himself in.

“What are you working on hyung?”

“Nothing yet. Just got here.”

Yoongi slowly turned around to see Tae dressed in wide-legged brown pants and a tight white t-shirt, pressed and clean and tucked in with a belt. His brown hair was pushed back and he’d forgone contacts in favor of dark rimmed glasses.

“I’m not just going to let you fuck me Tae.”

“Why not?”

Yoongi laughed before chomping on the straw in his nearly-empty iced americano, basically just sipping melted ice. The two of them did this every so often, Tae would get a wild hair and try to seduce his fellow Daegu boy which almost always went poorly. They were both too submissive, then too dominant. They were never on each other’s schedules. Every time they’d promise to learn their lesson, but it never worked.

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