Wolf Bite

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Ao3 by : littlebee1

Summary :

“How many offers have you had on him, in the past year?” The Alpha asked softly, voice deep as it settled into Yoongi’s bones. He sounded… gentle, far gentler than he’d ever heard an Alpha sound before.

“I don’t imagine it’s many, with his age.”

“Yours was the first inquiry, your Highness.” The woman beside the Alpha said.

A moment later, the Alpha approached Yoongi, scent heavier the closer he got. Yoongi startled when he felt the Alpha place a hand on his head, petting his hair gently.

“I find it hard to believe.” The Alpha whispered softly.

“That people consider him that undesirable, based solely on his age. He’s very pretty.”


Yoongi didn’t look up when he heard the door behind him open. He didn’t blink, didn’t move, didn’t so much as allow his breathing to falter, as he heard soft footsteps enter the room. He kept his head bowed, chin tucked against his chest, cool air from the hallway sending goosebumps down his arms as the newcomers approached his kneeling form. When he took his next breath, the scent of Alpha—powerful Alpha, purebred Alpha—flooded his nostrils, and he had to bite down a soft, submissive sound, as warm crept into his limbs.

“How many offers have you had on him, in the past year?” The Alpha asked softly, voice deep as it settled into Yoongi’s bones.

He sounded… gentle, far gentler than he’d ever heard an Alpha sound before.

“I don’t imagine it’s many, with his age.”

“Yours was the first inquiry, your Highness.” The woman beside the Alpha said.

A moment later, the Alpha approached Yoongi, scent heavier the closer he got. Yoongi startled when he felt the Alpha place a hand on his head, petting his hair gently.

“I find it hard to believe.” The Alpha whispered softly.

“That people consider him that undesirable, based solely on his age. He’s very pretty.”

“His pedigree—or lack thereof—doesn’t help matters.” The woman said quietly.

“Young and pretty sells, regardless of bloodline. Just pretty rarely does.”

The Alpha hummed softly, his fingers warm against Yoongi’s scalp.

“But he’s very well-behaved. He’s never had a behavioral infraction, in his time with us.”

Another hum, this one lower, as the Alpha took one step closer, his hip now level with Yoongi’s head.

“Though I fail to see, your Highness, why you would want an omega like him. There are others who would surely suit your desires better—”

“I would appreciate it if you didn’t presume to know my desires better than I do.” The Alpha murmured.

There was an edge, a dangerous lilt, to his voice, that had Yoongi trembling—upset Alphas had a way of making omegas like Yoongi quiver with fear.

“I’m not looking for a show piece, I’m not looking for someone from a purebred bloodline, I’m not looking for someone to give me pups. My brothers both have very fertile mates and pups of their own. My parents have made it clear that I am permitted to mate with whomever I’d like.”

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