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Constantly Having A Breakthrough, Or A Breakdown, Or A Black Out (Would You Make Out With Me?)

Ao3 by : daegucrew

Summary :

Or, Min Yoongi is an above-average student who is falling harder than he'd like to admit for his lab partner-turned-lover, Kim Taehyung, a bit of a troublemaker at school who just wants Yoongi to let loose.

Taehyung uncovers Yoongi's humiliation kink, they get detention, and fuck in the chemistry lab. And oh boy, do they have chemistry.


Yoongi's heart is beating so fast that he could swear it was threatening to burst through his ribcage and right out of his chest.

He can feel the thrum of adrenaline, of the nerves coursing through his veins and making his hands tremble uncontrollably and clench around whatever they can find to hold on to.

The air feels so thin, like he has to savour it by inhaling little gasps, and he feels warm, god it is so warm and the mixture of the lack of oxygen and the heat is beginning to make him feel lightheaded, as if he could float away like a helium balloon that has come untethered and is making its ascent towards the sun.

Yoongi is sure he is going to faint right there and the hallway? Was he even still in the hallway? The ground has to be at least a thousand feet below him by now. A tug on the hair at the nape of his neck breaks his state of haziness and suddenly there is a rush of that sweet oxygen to his lungs, but the heat only increases as what must be half of the blood in his body relocates to his flushing cheeks.

"Hey, you still with me?"

Yoongi's eyes shoot open, the lids fluttering and revealing a blurred figure that soon comes back into focus.

He wanted to squeeze them shut just as fast as he'd opened them, but somehow finds the strength within himself to resist. His eyes move almost frantically around his current line of vision, taking in the features of Taehyung, whose face is still so close that Yoongi can feel his heavy breath on his own stinging and swollen lips.

"I'm, um, y-yeah I think so. I'm just. I mean you're really...I think I might...float away if you let go of m-me?"

Yoongi is sure his cheeks have gone full blown tomato on him now, and he makes a mental note that breathing in and out is a necessity for the body to function, so he inhales and exhales shakily.
"You're really good at that."

"At what? Kissing you, or making sure you don't take an impromptu trip into outer space?" Taehyung chuckles, and it is so deep and warm that it melts Yoongi to his very core.

Yoongi lets out a soft sound of amusement in the form of a puff of air through his nose and releases the death grip on Taehyung's bicep he didn't realise he had been holding.


He focuses on the now wrinkled material of the white shirt, making an awkward attempt to smooth out the lines both as an act of apology but also just to give his mind something else to focus on, to give his eyes somewhere else to look.

Taehyung, never easy on his weak heart, isn't having it in the slightest. He shifts the hand that had taken up residence in Yoongi's hair to gently caress down the line of Yoongi's jaw and support his chin with the side of his forefinger, tipping the shorter man's head up slightly to force his commitment to eye contact.

"Don't worry about it, you know I don't care if my uniform is up to standard. They're gonna get on my case for the third time this month about the knot in my tie being incorrect or my hair being too long before they notice that." He closes the gap between their mouths again but doesn't give Yoongi the satisfaction of a solid peck.

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