Warm Summer Breeze

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Ao3 by : Jiminssi_ifya (unamaga), unamaga


The shoot, for all the location is gorgeously picturesque, is an ordeal. It’s brutally hot by the time they get down the beach; at least once, Yoongi has to stop the photographers and lie down in the shade for a few moments just to catch his breath, pointing his stolen handheld fans at his armpits and face. It barely helps. His sweat won’t evaporate, and every breath feels like sucking hot soup into his lungs instead of air.

Taehyung sits down next to him in the sand at one point and passes him a sliver of ice to suck on, and Yoongi nearly cries at the relief of having at least one small part of his body cold.

By the time they get back to the hotel in the afternoon, he’s as cranky as he was when they got off the plane from Seoul, covered in grit and sweat, skin painfully tight from make-up he hasn’t had a chance to remove. All he wants is a shower and a bath - both, in that order, possibly with one of his new bath bombs so he can smell something other than bleach and sunscreen.


The hotel in Saipan is just as nice as any other they’ve stayed in, if not nicer, but Yoongi wouldn’t complain about sleeping in a shoe box at this point. He’s exhausted to the point of dizzy when they first get there, nearly forgets to shut the video camera off before he turns in for the night.

Thankfully, the first day, he’s able to happily laze about in his room while the others explore, enjoying the room service and the relative quiet that comes with not being surrounded by his members, dozing whenever he feels like it. And while he knows he needed the time, he’s kicking himself for it when he has to venture out into the humid morning heat the next day, unprepared and unacclimated.

The shoot, for all the location is gorgeously picturesque, is an ordeal. It’s brutally hot by the time they get down the beach; at least once, Yoongi has to stop the photographers and lie down in the shade for a few moments just to catch his breath, pointing his stolen handheld fans at his armpits and face. It barely helps. His sweat won’t evaporate, and every breath feels like sucking hot soup into his lungs instead of air.

Taehyung sits down next to him in the sand at one point and passes him a sliver of ice to suck on, and Yoongi nearly cries at the relief of having at least one small part of his body cold.

By the time they get back to the hotel in the afternoon, he’s as cranky as he was when they got off the plane from Seoul, covered in grit and sweat, skin painfully tight from make-up he hasn’t had a chance to remove. All he wants is a shower and a bath - both, in that order, possibly with one of his new bath bombs so he can smell something other than bleach and sunscreen.

Taehyung slips into the room with his extra key while Yoongi’s getting undressed, but Yoongi’s too set on his mission to acknowledge him. They’re comfortable enough in each other’s space that Yoongi assumes Taehyung can find something to do on his own while he waits - maybe he’ll come out to Taehyung fiddling on his portable keyboard again, tapping out comforting little snippets of melodies half-forgotten. The thought is a soothing one.

The tub is full by the time Yoongi’s showered off the worst of the grime. It’s a small pleasure to drop his bath bomb in, a familiar routine when he’s too stressed to go to sleep but too tired to function.

A hand finds the curve of his bare waist.

“Room for me, too?”

Oh. Yoongi feels a little silly for not thinking of it sooner, but he’s never considered adding Taehyung to his bath time ritual before. Now that the thought’s been introduced to him, though, it sounds wildly appealing.

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