Peachy Keen

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Ao3 by : deepslowpanic


"You're telling me." Yoongi begins, voice flat.

"That the perfect opportunity to show Taehyung I'm interested in him is to ask him to put a sheet mask on my bare ass?"

Jimin nods eagerly.

"Absolutely, no doubt about it."

Yoongi shrugs.

"Alright, I'm in."


Yoongi tries out a butt sheet mask and has to ask his roommate, Taehyung, to help put it on.


"Yoongi hyung, darling, I love our weekly lunch dates so much, like, favorite part of the week. But please, can we talk about anything else?"

Yoongi pouts, glaring at Jimin across the table.

"Jimin, this is serious."

Jimin just gazes back impassively, picking up a piece of sushi and popping it between his lips. He doesn't respond, just chews slowly, blinking at Yoongi.

"Look." Yoongi says, pointing his chopsticks across the table.

"It's not my fault your best friend is oblivious."

And he is, he must be, or he is extremely uninterested.

Yoongi and Taehyung have been roommates for almost a year now, and Yoongi has been trying to get Taehyung's attention the entire time, and maybe even before they started living together. Jimin had suggested it when Seokjin moved out to go live with Hoseok, sending Yoongi a sly grin that meant there was more than just practicality behind the suggestion.

So Yoongi has spent the last year trying, and failing, to get Taehyung to take an interest. He's frozen for the better part of six months, parading around the apartment in tiny shorts instead of the sweatpants he would normally wear. His sweatshirts have been replaced with oversized t-shirts that slide off one shoulder and he maybe purposefully shrunk his towels in the wash so they barely cover his ass after he showers. He's taken to snacking on berries and cut fruit in the living room, lounging on the couch watching dramas and sucking juice off his fingers.

Taehyung hasn't noticed at all. Half the time he'll take one look at Yoongi and go back into his room, probably disgusted. Yoongi's getting sick of throwing himself at someone who clearly isn't interested. It's getting ridiculous, maybe pathetic, maybe bordering on exhibitionism at this point.

"He obviously likes you, too, hyung." Jimin says evenly, propping his elbow on the table and leaning his chin on his palm.

Yoongi groans, setting his chopsticks down and leaning back in his chair.

"He obviously does not like me, he barely looks at me."

"I think I know my best friend a little better than you." Jimin says snippily, taking a sip of his honeyed tea.

Huffing out a frustrated breath, Yoongi's fingers move to play with his straw wrapper.

"I just don't know how else to show him I'm interested in him. I've tried everything!"

Jimin cocks a brow.

"Have you tried telling him how you feel?"

"No." Yoongi snaps defensively.

"That sounds stupid."

"Right." Jimin says, drawing out the word.

"Talking about our feelings like mature adults is stupid. How could I forget."

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