PART 2 - Sweet And Salty

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Ao3 by - insertyoonminhere

This smutshot is the second part of the Taegi Kink Triology.

Summary :

"But, what if it's better than the ice?" Taehyung tickled the inside of Yoongi's ear with his tongue.

"I know how much you like to feel all hot and creamy when I come inside you.''


Yoongi was laying peacefully on his belly, breathing softly as he slept. He was sleeping kind of awkwardly too, since his feet were on the pillows, and his head on the foot of the bed, with the blankets bunched up under him. He had been in this position all night, and had slept fine. He started to shiver though, and his dream-like self began to realize Taehyung was not cuddled to him anymore.

He pouted and then rolled onto his side. The early morning sun was beaming through the window now, where it spilled its rays onto his back.

The door to the bedroom opened and shut with a couple of quiet clicks. Taehyung was standing there with a small grin on his face.

"Morning." He said.

Yoongi looked up and smiled, but also noticed the singer's hands were behind his back.

"What are you up to?" Yoongi asked.

"Is that how you say good morning?" Taehyung teased.

"Okay fine, good morning! Now tell me what you're up to."

"You're cute when you're mad. Anyways, I have an idea I'd like to share." Taehyung explained.

"What do you have behind your back?" Yoongi asked.

"Something that'll be a lot of fun."

"Is it some kind of freaky sex toy? Cause you know I hate those things." Yoongi said.

The fact that Taehyung was standing before him, completely nude, was suppressed by the fact that he had no idea what was coming.

The singer leaned down and whispered in Yoongi's ear,

"No. Close your eyes and lay down on your back for me, baby. You're going to love it."

Yoongi gave him a slightly apprehensive look. They tended to have somewhat kinky sex, but, whatever was coming, was much more interesting than that.

Taehyung crawled onto the bed by Yoongi's feet. He still kept whatever he had behind his back. He took one hand and gently ran it along the rapper's inner thigh. Yoongi murmured sweetly, and felt himself start to grow a little hard. He rolled onto his back, but didn't close his eyes just yet.

The younger man then wrapped his hand around Yoongi's heat, where he pumped slowly and gently. The older man's head tilted back and a smile spread across his face. It was a nice, soothing feeling. His eyes fluttered shut as Taehyung increased his pace, making him moan pleasurably then arch into the touch. The singer rolled his thumb around the head which smeared the warm pre-cum in soft, wet circles.

Taehyung went back to pumping, before leaning in and placing a warm lick over the head. Yoongi moaned hotly again in response. Now that his lover was relatively hard, he did something the older man would either really love, or really hate.

Something wet, yet cold on contact, dribbled down Yoongi's length. He complained about the cold, and looked up, to see Taehyung squeezing more chocolate from the bottle. The tasty treat spilled over his lower stomach, where the singer used his hand to massage it into the skin. He rubbed back and forth along his abs, stroking so delicately each time. This eventually warmed the chocolate, and the sticky yet moist feeling made Yoongi whimper and squirm.

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