White Walls

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Ao3 by : witchveil

Summary :

Interior designer Kim Taehyung crosses paths with CEO Min Yoongi, in a world where everything is work, perhaps they can find company in each other.


[This has been written in the form of chapters and I'll be posting as it is due to the plot formation.]

Chapter 1: White Walls

"Excuse me sir," Taehyung lifts his head to look at the man talking to him. "Are you perhaps Lee Jihoon?"

"I'm sorry, I'm not the person you're looking for." Taehyung shakes his head, giving the man an apologetic smile. "My name is Kim Taehyung"

"Kim Taehyung, hmm." The man tastes his name on his tongue, fingers rubbing his chin. "Ah." Something seems to pop up in his mind "Ah! are you the interior designer?"

This time Taehyung nods with a small smile on his face.

"I am."

"Aren't you a bit too early? According to the boss you should be here in... thirty minutes?"

"Ah... I guess I am." He could have stayed longer at home, but he woke up before the alarm and took that as a good sign, so he got up and made himself breakfast, only burning his eggs a little. He grabbed his bag and took the train, better to take precautions in case of any eventuality that could have prolonged his trip. But there was none, so there he was, half an hour early to his appointment.

"It shows respect to be early, but maybe not too much, it makes you look anxious, not too professional." Ah, Taehyung knew about that pretty well, but that couldn't be helped at this point, he was already there.

"Well, I have my portfolio to prove I'm not an amateur." He patted his bags and the man laughed.

"That's good, confidence is always good." Taehyung easily grinned at him. Yeah, confidence in his field has been something difficult to work but at this point of his career he has managed to have control of it. He has learnt to feel less pressured by other people's opinion and judgement, even more when they come at him with their chest out huffing that as an alpha he just go with his ideas and does not take criticism. God, only heavens knows how much he hated being an alpha in those days.

Perhaps that's one of the many reasons he started using scent blockers, having the alpha label before his work was nothing but shameful, he wanted people to like his work for what it was and not only because it was 'picturesque' to have an alpha in the art field.

"Thank you," he replied genuinely. "Uhm, may I ask who is this Lee Jihoon?"

"Oh, he's a producer that should have arrived five minutes ago for a meeting with the boss, but I'll guess he's late."

"Hmm, perhaps he got lost? I was told the building is new." Taehyung provides.

"Oh, that's an option." As if summoned by their words, the elevator dings and a short man almost runs out of it in direction to one of the offices.

"Sorry, I got lost!" They can hear the man shout before he closes the door behind him.

"Well, you were right, but still that boy is gonna be in trouble." The man sighs, "Min Yoongi-ssi is not the type to tolerate being late or clumsy at work." The man huffs, providing no further comment. Taehyung frowns at the his words. What kind of person is Min Yoongi? He's curious, but he guesses he'll find out later.

He doesn't mind the man's silence, he already planned to wait on his own and to be honest, he's more comfortable that way. He takes out his phone to scroll through instagram, checking the latest updates from other interior designers he follows. In the top of the screen he can see that Jimin is on live. He chuckles, turning the volume off and clicking on the circle, there he can see his friend doing a dance routine with his co-worker he's been pinning for months , and although Jimin keeps repeating is unprofessional, Jungkook and him want nothing but for them to finally be together.

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