Just Like Dionysus

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Ao3 by : taegirights

Summary :

Yoongi discovered he could travel to the future not long after puberty started. He thought that traveling to the past could be more useful, but with time he learnt that changing your present is more important than trying to change your past.


Chapter 1

Yoongi crossed his legs in front of his new diary. Two oak barrels facing the green witch.

“Please work.” He whispered to himself. Yoongi touched the diary’s pages, October 26th 2020. Exactly five years from now. That’s the plan.

He closed his eyes and focused all his energy on his own body.

Yoongi discovered he could travel to the future not long after puberty started. He thought that traveling to the past could be more useful, but with time he learnt that changing your present is more important than trying to change your past.

He made his own rules, no major cheating, no changing important stuff, and not meeting himself. That’s why he made the diary; his “future” self should make sure that his “present” self is safe when going to the future and that his visits wouldn’t affect anything.

Yoongi never tried to win the lottery, cheat on his tests —okay, maybe one or two, or make himself famous in any way. He mostly made trips to see things that weren’t bound to change with his actions, the weather being a common one.

His grandma once told him that every second in the future makes his life shorter, so in his own rules he added not staying more than three minutes, even if he didn’t have any proof that that’s how it works.

This time, he’s breaking his rules.

As a green witch, Yoongi could grow anything he wanted on his garden overnight. This includes grapes.

He reopened his eyes again, the place where the two barrels were facing him now occupied by a wine rack, the bottom of the bottles staring at him.

Yoongi got up and went closer to them. Grabbing a bottle, He eyed the label. ‘Thyrsus’.

Yoongi let out a small laugh, did he come up with that? The art on the label was too pretty for him to make on his own, is he having more money and actually hiring artists? He looked around at what once was his almost empty cellar, a lot more bottles and barrels at his sides. Every collection having a clipboard by their rack, Yoongi looked at the one he was here for.

On it, the dates of every procedure, including what he just did that morning, now being five years ago. At the end, an orange post it note.

‘Ask for his number.’

Yoongi stared at his own handwriting. He didn’t use to leave messages for himself. Was it even for him?


Yoongi turned to the door of the cellar. It was closed. People were behind it. He quickly grabbed the three bottles he promised himself and sat down with his diary. Heart hammering against his chest.

He sipped on his wine. Could use some more time on the bottle. The engraving on the corks obviously handmade as he toyed with it.

Yoongi wasn’t expecting it when the door opened. He got up from his chair at the table, going to the front of the store.

“Uh, hello?” The boy asked looking around as Yoongi reached him, his eyes finally landing on Yoongi.

“Yes, sorry.” He didn’t mean to check out the man that just entered his store as he looked at him up and down. “May I help you?”

TAEGI SMUTS [ᵃᵒ3]  Where stories live. Discover now