Into Sin

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Ao3 by : submyg_93

Summary :

Taehyung couldn't find the hotel he's supposed to stay in.


Taehyung bowed to the staff as he left the meeting room.

That had been a long and tedious process he had had to go through, but he's happy to be free now.

He had to travel all the way from his high-rise apartment located in the busy streets of Central Seoul to the suburbs of Gyeonggi, but it's too long for him to travel back now, the sun already having set quite a while ago, so he needed a hotel.

Thankfully, the manager of this branch had given him directions to a hotel he recommended and had told him that he would make a phone call to them to alert of his arrival.

He was grateful for the assistance and he bid his colleagues farewell.

They're in the middle of signing a contract with the management here and it's quite boring work for him but quite easy. He did have a relatively easy life and a good paycheck.

He's also good at his job; it wasn't challenging, but he was doing well.

He wanted to work his way up the ladder and he knew he needed to work hard to do so. His parents had given him this work ethic.

He walked across the car park with his briefcase in one hand and car keys in the other.

With ease, he settled into the front seat of his vehicle and looked at the directions.

He smiled gently at the scrawled lettering. Luckily he could work some of it out, and he had GPS on his phone.

This should be simple, right?

Those felt like famous last words for him as an hour later he still hadn't found the hotel.

He's growing frustrated and his map system seemed to be lagging at the moment.

Was it because he's in a rural part of the district?

He sighed and carried on driving until he hit what he assumed was the center of the town.

The lights blasted out to him and he could tell how late it was due to the merry drunk men staggering around in and out of bars.

He briefly wondered whether he should take a break from searching for the hotel and grab himself a drink.

Before he could continue that thought, or even put it into action, his car stalled and he cursed. He turned the steering wheel and pulled in next to the sidewalk, trying his best to get his car started, then looked up at his phone in the holder, seeing the 'searching' icon still spinning.

Would he ever find this hotel?

He shifted the gear stick and attempted to start the car again without any luck.

Taehyung laid his head on the steering wheel and cursed again.

He took a deep breath and muttered to himself, this was definitely not his day.

A small knocking on the window brought him out of his thoughts, though, and when he lifted his head, he saw a raven-haired male staring at him with a small smile on his face.

Taehyung took in the stranger's appearance and frowned.

The stranger's hair was quite long and he had eyeliner on his cat-like eyes, and red lipstick donning his pouty lips.

TAEGI SMUTS [ᵃᵒ3]  Where stories live. Discover now