Can't Help It

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Ao3 by - inthe_kookiejar

Summary :

They'd promised to take it slow, but with the buzz of the party and weeks of pent-up longing thrumming in their chests, it was hard to wait any longer for the right moment...

Yoongi nursed his glass of strong liquor at the bar, looking out over the noisy room filled with people. Well, at this point in time, and with this level of drunkenness, he was more inclined to call them bodies than people. They weren't thinking anymore, just dancing and drinking. It was unlike any other party he had attended before.

He preferred the quieter kind of parties, which were more hanging out with friends than anything else. Regardless, he'd accompanied his boyfriend here tonight because he could never have resisted his pout and pleading eyes when he asked. Yoongi smiled from where he was sitting, watching the blue-haired boy dancing his heart out with his best friend Jimin.

"Could you be any more in love?" Namjoon teased.

He was the bartender for tonight, so Yoongi had chosen to stick by him and watch him pour drinks and polish glasses. It sucked, but at least Namjoon got paid to be here.

"Hmm." Yoongi mused, his stare unbroken.

"I don't want to be cheesy and say I love him more and more each day, but I really do." He turned back to his friend, who pretended to gag before speaking up.

"You two are honestly way too sweet and romantic, it's giving me a sugar high just by looking at you."

Yoongi scoffed and looked down into his drink.

"We're just being cute boyfriends who go on cute dates, what's wrong with that? It's not my fault you couldn't even keep it in your pants for a full week once you started dating Seokjin."

Namjoon flushed a little and focused on the glass he was cleaning.

"Okay, but have you seen Seokjin? You can't blame me."

Yoongi laughed.

"That's true... I still can't believe your nerdy ass is dating Kim Seokjin."

A loopy smile instantly appeared on Namjoon's lips as he cast a glance across the room at his own boyfriend, who was doing the strangest dance moves with Jungkook, their favourite freshman.

"Me neither." He said dreamily.

"Now who's being sweet?" Yoongi quipped.

"Besides, aren't you working here so you can buy him an anniversary present? That's cute too."

Namjoon shrugged and grabbed the whiskey bottle to refill Yoongi's glass. Clearly he thought he was still too sober and observant.

"I'm just doing my boyfriendly duties right." He muttered.

Yoongi chuckled and shook his head as he started to turn back around to look at his boyfriend, but right then he felt two arms envelop him from behind.

"Hey, stranger." Yoongi said as his boyfriend pressed a lingering kiss to his jaw before burying his face cozily in the crook of his neck.

"I thought you'd forgotten about me."

"You smell of whiskey." He murmured, tightening his hold around Yoongi's middle.

Usually, he would complain about getting hugged by sweaty people, the way he did when Hoseok wrapped him in a tight hug after dance practice just to piss him off, but he decided by the swooping feeling in his stomach that having a sweaty boyfriend with unfocused eyes and tousled hair pressed against your back and panting against your neck was hardly something to complain about.

TAEGI SMUTS [ᵃᵒ3]  Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant