Mind If I Stay? (Forever?)

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Ao3 by : dream kinks

Summary :

A one night stand. Kind of.


It's not really a one night stand if it's multiple nights.

Taehyung and Yoongi have been doing this for weeks now; a quick text after midnight (are you busy?), an even quicker response (no, but i’ll always make time for you) and then a short walk to whomever’s apartment.

It's their thing. Kind of.

They like to think it's just mutual, that it's completely normal to help a bro out. Because; it is, right? Why get blue balls when you've got a drop dead handsome bro to fill you up? To them, it just seems logical. (To them, that is.)

Tonight is no different. It's 12:14 am and Taehyung’s got nothing better to do. So, as per usual, he sends a text to Yoongi.


u busy?

He locks his phone right after the message is sent, not wanting to look too eager. Taehyung can convince himself that he couldn't care less if Yoongi’s busy; that it doesn't actually matter to him, and he has plenty of other booty calls. But that's just not the truth, even if he won't admit it to himself. The truth is that he loves Yoongi most, and ever since they had started doing this, he hadn't really bothered with anyone else. No one felt the same as Yoongi. No one filled up the crevices between him and a mattress as well as Yoongi did. Yoongi fit perfectly between his hands and his lips and there was no way Taehyung would ever give that up. On God.

His phone buzzes. His heart jumps a little.

not particularly

i’ll see you in ten

Yes, that's right because Yoongi knows.

and i’ll bring snacks 

Yoongi knows Taehyung like the back of his hand, in more ways than one.

He knows him as the person he is, bubbly and carefree, always up for a challenge. But he also knows his likes, dislikes, his aspirations and ambitions. Yoongi knows Taehyung, and that just makes him a little more special.

Taehyung likes Yoongi because he stayed. Taehyung likes Yoongi because, as much as he says he hates it, he always stays for pillow talk with Taehyung – whether it’d be about bunnies on the moon or what life would be like if they had stayed in Daegu. Taehyung likes Yoongi because he understands, and he's more than just a fuck Taehyung hooks up with once in awhile. Yoongi is Taehyung’s friend, and sometimes he considers the other to be even more than that. 

But Yoongi doesn't need to know that.

A knock against the door brings him out of his thoughts and Taehyung’s head snaps up. He scrambles up and off the couch to answer it, even though he knows that Yoongi knows the door is unlocked. He’s not quite sure why Yoongi doesn't just come in, but he doesn't have any reason to tell him he can.

After all, when they're alone they're not supposed to have that kind of relationship.

“Hyung,” Taehyung calls for Yoongi like it's the first breath he's taken in a century.

A smile, much too warm and vanilla for the situation, graces his features as he looks at Yoongi standing in the doorway.


Yoongi doesn't say much, just smiles behind his scarf. He holds a grocery bag up and shakes it slightly, and Taehyung hears the rattle of cans and chip bags smacking against each other.

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