PART 5 - It's Only Us

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Ao3 by : allie (sobangcha8)

Summary :

Yoongi has a bad day, and to help get his mind off of it, Taehyung edges him until he cries.


Yoongi had a bad day. He loves teaching kindergarten, he loves his students. They're wonderful and curious, and he enjoys nothing more than to watch them make new connections every day, and enjoy being at school. But even the best group of students can have off days, and today was one such day. Yoongi thinks that every single activity he had planned for the day was disrupted by something or another, and he had to be on all day long, making decisions left and right in order to keep his class on track for the day's learning.

Even still, they didn't get through everything they needed to today, and so Yoongi spent the several hours of work time after the students went home rearranging the rest of the week to accommodate for the train wreck that was today, and he ended up staying two hours later than he needed to just to get everything ready. Mentally, he is exhausted. He doesn't want to think. He doesn't want to make any choices. He just wants to curl up with Taehyung, and turn off for a while.

When he gets home, Taehyung is sitting in his comfortable, ergonomic gaming chair, playing with one of their friends. Taehyung's computer is in the living room, and they often spend time silently together, Taehyung playing games, and Yoongi on the couch watching TV. Yoongi takes off his shoes and his coat, puts his keys and wallet on the table beside their front door, and sets his leather messenger bag down beside it on the floor.

"Hey baby," Taehyung says, glancing over.

Yoongi tries to smile at him, for even just seeing Taehyung is enough to lift his spirits a bit, but it's not quite enough to combat the weight of his melancholy. Taehyung sees this - he always notices everything about Yoongi's moods.

As someone who has historically been labelled as 'hard to read', that had always meant everything to Yoongi.

He turns back to his computer quickly and starts clicking around on the screen as Yoongi trudges to the couch and throws himself face down.

"Sorry hyung, Yoongi just got home, and he looks like he had a rough day. I may be back later, but don't count on it. Bye!" Yoongi hears the clatter of Taehyung's fancy gaming headset hitting the desk when he takes it off, and then the soft sound of his chair's wheels on the hardwood.

When Taehyung picks up his head and slides under him, Yoongi stays limp, letting himself be moved. Taehyung settles Yoongi's head in his lap, and starts to run his fingers through his hair, lightly scratching his scalp in the way that always makes Yoongi melt. He sighs, turning so he can press his face into Taehyung's stomach. He changed out of his work clothes as soon as he got home, so he's wearing an old, soft t-shirt and sweatpants. They feel nice against Yoongi's skin, and he takes a deep breath. Taehyung smells like his body wash, which tells him that he already showered as well.

"Do you wanna talk about it, baby?" Taehyung asks softly a while later.

Yoongi groans, but moves back slightly, tilting his head to look up at Taehyung.

"Everything went wrong today. We didn't get through any of the things we were supposed to do today, and I had to stay late to rearrange the rest of the week. I feel like I failed my kids today because I couldn't keep us from having a bad day. Like if I were a better teacher, I could have kept a handle on it, and turned it around."

Sadness coils in Yoongi's chest, weighing him down. He squeezes his eyes shut, really not wanting to cry. It's nothing to cry over. Bad days happen! But that doesn't change how Yoongi is feeling right now.

TAEGI SMUTS [ᵃᵒ3]  जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें