Teacher's Pet

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Ao3 by : jeondoe

Summary :

Yoongi goes to his son’s PTA meeting and gets a lot more than he bargained for.


Yoongi bursts out laughing the moment he sees Byulyi.

“Fuck you, Min Yoongi.” Her face is pinched, but whether it’s from exasperation or the severe ponytail she’s wearing, Yoongi can’t tell.

“Get in the fucking car.”

She barely leaves him time to put his seatbelt on before driving off. Yoongi gives her a sly look, counting backwards in his head. 

Three, two, one…

She sighs. Called it.

“It’s Yongsun’s. She made me wear it.”

“Thought so. I didn’t think you’d ever voluntarily wear-” Yoongi gestures to her very floral, very demure, very un-Byulyi-like ensemble.

She’s wearing espadrilles- Yongsun must’ve made some pretty severe threats to get her into anything higher than flats.


Byulyi makes a noise like a strangled cat.

“I hate it. It’s too fucking tight- my boobs are almost bursting out, and I barely have a chest to begin with.” She glances down.

“My nipples have receded into my chest.”

“Tragic.” Yoongi inspects his nails.

“I truly feel sorry for your loss.”

She sneers at him.

“I can’t believe I ever had sex with you.” Her face breaks out into a grin at his offended expression.

“By the way, I’m thinking of having Binnie over after this. Yongsun’s baking cookies, and she wants an assistant. Apparently I’m ‘too much of a hazard’.” She scoffs, but the fond look in her eyes betray her. 


Five minutes later, they pull up to the school. Yoongi waits for Byulyi to waddle over and holds out his hand.

“Alright, time to act heterosexual, wifey.”

Byulyi beams at him, intertwining their fingers.

“Try to act like a stud and I’ll castrate you with my bare hands.”

The other parents are sitting behind the kids in the auditorium, much more dignified than their ilk. Changbin’s sitting between two other boys, both towering over him. He waves like mad when he sees them and almost gets down from his seat, but the curly-haired one yanks him back. Yoongi stifles a chuckle at his massive pout.

They sit next to a dignified-looking couple, diamonds glittering at the wife’s throat and on the wrist of her husband. Yoongi, in his rumpled button-up and least ratty jeans, feels like a sot. When he sits down and his seat makes a fart sound, he feels even more so.

Byulyi plops down into her own seat, blowing a strand of hair away from her face.

“My pussy’s cold.” She jiggles her arse.

“I’m not wearing underwear. I thought it would leave panty lines.”

The diamond-wristed ‘gentleman’ is suddenly very interested in Byulyi, and Yoongi feels better about himself.

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