Push Me, Pull Me

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Ao3 by : OT7Author

Summary :

Taehyung and Yoongi have a relatively normal sex life. They have been a couple for a long time now and are perfectly happy with the way things are going in their sex lives. None of them our upset or that adverse to trying new things but when they go to the sex shop to get a clone a willy kit Yoongi just can't seem to take his eyes off the new addition to the shop.

There, a sex swing calls to him, and Taehyung feels he just has to buy it for him, as well as their kit.


Yoongi was not really one to explore things in the bedroom. He was pretty boring, or as Jungkook and Jimin liked to call him, basic. But that didn’t mean that he was bad at sex. He just had his preferences. If his preferences included him being a pillow prince to his younger boyfriend Taehyung well then so be it. There was nothing wrong with him enjoying the pleasures that his sexy boyfriend was more than willing to give to him, especially not when it involved him having the best orgasms of his life and all he had to do was lay there and look pretty for his man.

Taehyung didn’t even seem to mind it. In fact, the younger seemed to love it. He relished in the fact that despite the age difference Yoongi was much smaller than him, that his skin was pale and easy to bruise with his hands and teeth, that the older was completely wanton in his arousal and had no problems what-so-ever in letting him do what he pleased with his body as long as it brought them both pleasure.

So yeah, Yoongi was not worried in the slightest that Taehyung was getting bored with him because his boyfriend was not only completely smitten with him and his perky ass, but he loved to be in control in the bedroom and to manhandle him as he saw fit.

But, lately though, despite how happy he was with their sex life and how comfortable he was with what they were doing. Yoongi started to feel an itch that he just couldn’t seem to scratch. An itch that was awakened when he and Taehyung went to their local sex shop to grab lube and a ‘Clone a Willy’ kit for when Yoongi had to go out of the country for business, finally caving into his desire to be full of his boyfriend even when they were apart, when he saw something that caught his eye and made him start thinking. The young music producer had only ever seen these type of things in porn, hadn’t even seen it in the shop before in fact, and when his eyes landed on the swing hanging from the ceiling of the shop on display like one of Taehyung’s fine art pieces that he liked to build in their garage, he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about it since.

He could picture himself on the swing perfectly. Spread out and on display in their bedroom, cuffed by his wrists and ankles with nowhere to go, just waiting for Taehyung to do as he pleased with him. The thought alone brought a cold sweat to his brow and made him shiver on the spot in the middle of the store, his boyfriend none the wiser as he perused the shelves and made comedic remarks about the oversized dildos that lined the shelves.

Now, two weeks later, Yoongi was once more in the sex shop with his boyfriend, having messed up on the ‘Clone a Willy’ kit from last time and needing a replacement one that will hopefully work this time around, when he spotted it. The swing on full display once more, beautiful and sturdy and oh so pretty that Yoongi couldn’t take his eyes off of it. He couldn’t get the images out of his head about how good it would feel against his bare skin, how hot Taehyung would look as he took a hold of the chains in his large strong hands and pulled them towards himself in order to fuck into his body faster and harder, how the younger would simply tower over him and he keened audibly at that thought alone.

Hands flying to his mouth and eyes bugging out of his skull, Yoongi looked around rapidly to make sure no one had heard him when he spotted not only his boyfriend equally as bug eyed as himself looking at him with his jaw open but the sales person giggling with moon eyes at him as well.

TAEGI SMUTS [ᵃᵒ3]  जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें