Hot (Yoga) For You

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Ao3 by : jooniesbaby

Summary :

When Jimin gifts Yoongi a one-on-one yoga lesson at a high-end studio in Gangnam for his birthday Yoongi expects an extravagant studio, stuck-up receptionists, and maybe, if he's lucky, to see an idol or two in the hallways. What he doesn't expect is to end up face down on a yoga mat getting fucked within an inch of his life by the hottest man he's ever laid eyes on. But, then again, he's not exactly complaining about it.


Shameless smut based on the following three-word prompt: Taegi, Yoga Instructor, Orgasm Denial.


Happy Birthday, Yoongi-hyung!

Sorry to be sending you your gift via email but seeing as I’m in Paris I didn’t know how else to get it to you. Anyway, I know you’ve been working too hard lately and you need to relax so enjoy this one-on-one yoga session on me! Trust me, it’ll be just what you need! And don’t you so much as think about not going because I didn’t pay ₩300,000 for nothing! Do you know how many hipster Parisian coffees I could buy with that? A LOT! Anyway, love you the most, enjoy your yoga class and don’t forget to tell me all about it after ;)

Your favorite dongsaeng,

Yoongi lets out a sigh of defeat as he tucks his phone back into his brand new gym bag. Jimin has always been an extravagant gift-giver, so Yoongi isn’t sure why he’s surprised, but white marble-floored reception areas and chandeliers feel like a little much even coming from him.

Yoongi knew the second his bus crossed into Gangnam that he would be out of place at this yoga studio, but as he stands in front of its giant all-glass entrance in black basketball shorts and a tank top with the Adidas bag he’s had in the back of his closet since his second year of university hanging off his bony shoulder, well, he hadn’t imagined it would be this bad.

Unfortunately for Yoongi, the name and address in Jimin’s email match the location he’s in and the amount of money Jimin spent on this won’t allow him to get right back on the next bus. Bracing himself for the judgmental look he’s sure to solicit from whoever is at the front desk Yoongi pulls open one of the glass doors, slowly and with a lot of effort because it’s way heavier than it looks and Yoongi has the arm strength of a 14-year-old.

He’s wearing sneakers but his footsteps still echo when he walks inside, the sound bouncing off of cream-colored walls and ceilings so high he has to crane his neck to find their end. At the giant arc of marble that makes up the reception desk, he’s greeted by a woman so gorgeous he almost mistakes her for an idol. She asks for his name and after clicking away on the computer for a moment tells him that his instructor has been expecting him.

She’s so polite to him he almost feels embarrassed and when she points him to one of the two hallways leading away from her desk, assuring him that the studio he’s looking for is just at the end, he has to suppress the urge to scurry away.

As he walks down the seemingly never-ending hall Yoongi’s nerves build. It’s not like he’s never done yoga before. In fact, he does yoga quite often in the comfort of his own living room with a YouTube yoga instructor calmly guiding him from his TV, but this clearly isn’t that.

This is some one-on-one session in a studio that’s obviously meant for celebrities with an instructor he’s never met before. On top of everything else, he has no idea what to expect from the lesson itself and uncertainty has always made Yoongi anxious.

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