So Your Mom Hates Me?

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Ao3 by - syubbi3

Summary :

Yoongi's ex-best friend hates him, along with his parents. The lights go out in the city and so does their common sense.


Yoongi sighs as the light turns green. He tightens his grip on the steering wheel and turns it. He's driving down that same road he's been avoiding for the past year and a half. He was going to Taehyung's house to drop off a textbook the idiot had left in class.

The same Taehyung that Yoongi had been best friends with since the beginning of middle school. The same Taehyung he had been attached to by the hip all the way into their third year of high school. The same Taehyung whose mom told him to stop talking to her son as though she were afraid Yoongi coming out would affect Taehyung.

So Yoongi spent his entire summer alone that year. His entirety of the school year was spent trying to find a new friend group and someone to even try to fill Taehyung's role in his life. Yet no one did. Yoongi couldn't remember the last time he's felt so lonely.

He blamed himself about the whole thing, no matter how much everyone else said it wasn't his fault. Yoongi couldn't help it if he were a proud pansexual. He was usually very open about the topic. He made so many jokes about it that no one was really bothered by the fact that Min Yoongi, one of the coolest guys on campus, was indeed not straight. Anything but straight.

So when Yoongi had lost his best friend, it had hit him like a freight train. All the emotions swallowed him up whole and now he was more cautious about who knew his sexual preferences. And yet here Yoongi is, driving down the street to visit the one person who made him believe being comfortable with yourself was wrong.

He pulls up into the driveway. There's only one other vehicle there; Taehyung's old 2009 Subaru. Yoongi steps out of the car with the heavy math textbook under his arm. He walks up to the doorstep and locks his car. Before he can even knock, the door is opening to a sleepy Taehyung.


All exhaustion that was previously hidden in Taehyung's eyes were gone.

His excitement startled Yoongi, and he jumped back a little. Taehyung sends him an apologetic smile which Yoongi returns.

"Sorry if I woke you up," Yoongi says, scratching the back of his head.

"Even though it's only like 8:50."

"It's all good. If you hadn't come I would've fallen asleep on the couch," Taehyung replies.

Yoongi almost hates how casual Taehyung is. The first week after Taehyung's mother told them to stop talking, Yoongi could barely look him in the eye. Their interactions were reduced to mere smiles in the hallway and small 'Hello's' when necessary, which was very rare.

Yoongi doesn't remember the last time seeing Taehyung's bright eyes this close.

"So, how are you?"

Taehyung bites his lip.

Yoongi blushes and ignores his question completely.

"Oh, that's right! Sorry."

Yoongi hands him the textbook.

"You forgot this in class today and Ms. Lee asked if anyone knew where to find you. It was the last period of the day and no one else knew where you lived, so."

Taehyung takes the book from him.

"Ah, I see." He nods.

"Thank you, though. I was freaking out trying to find it earlier."

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