Everything Good In Life Seems To Lead Back To You

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Ao3 by - Momo333

Summary :

Taehyung was in love with Yoongi, and he made no secret out of it. Today was the day. He will do it.

Or just soft witch boyfriends Tahyung and Yoongi making love in the morning and Taehyung pops the question.


Walking through the quiet garden, the only noises Taehyung could hear was the birds chirping happily outside from time to time, the rising sun shining through the early morning fog. Humming, and moving along, Taehyung let the wet grass touch his bare feet, dancing along to the silent melody. 

Taking a sharp turn, laughter erupted from his throat, water drops falling from above, the branch he just touched moving, water sprinkling to his hair as the droplets slithered down on the green leaves. 

Reaching for a flower on the ground, he took it with ease, apologising to both the earth and the flower for taking it, and as he started walking back to the cottage, he told the flower why he was taken just like the others in his basket.

How it will look beautiful in his lover’s hair, what a noble thing it was for the little flower, acting as a jewel for the pale man. Taehyung told it about the soft thighs and pretty hands, the veins visible on it. He told it about the soft hair where it will find a new home along the other flowers he collected so far. He told about the warmth between those sinful thighs and confessed his love for them.

“His name is Yoongi.” He whispered the name like a secret, only for him and nature to know.

Petting the sleeping cat on their garden bench as he passed it, Taehyung opened the door quietly and closed it behind himself, walking to their bedroom, leaving wet footprints on the dark wooden floor, tho old house groaning under him.

He felt his heart filled with warmth the moment he set his gaze on the man inside. Books about occult and paganism scattered around him on the floor open, their tarot decks on the desk by the window , three cards pulled: The Lovers, The Moon and The Fool. Taehyung let out a soft breath and stepped inside, careful, runes and sigils painted on the walls by the both of them, promising peace and love, awarding off the evil.

Keeping his eyes on the man Taehyung sneaked closer, the scent of incense invading his nostrils and he let out a pleased sigh at the smell. Glancing down Taehyung saw the grounding circle drawn with white chalk around Yoongi and so he sat down on the floor next to him, outside of the circle of course, not wanting to bother him when he was working.

The man was mesmerizing, and Taehyung felt like his breath was stolen each time he set eyes on his lover. Lips moving with silent prayers to their Goddesses and Gods he was ethereal. Locks from his hair braided and twinkling with glitter as the morning sun shined through their window he almost looked like a fairy. The thought brought a smile to Taehyung’s lips, their fairy garden in a safe distance from their house, they did not need their mischief in their home, afterall. And so, Taehyung waited patiently by his side.

By the time Yoongi was done, the sun was halfway up the sky, light breeze coming in the open window and as soon as he blew out the candle, and smudged the circle on the ground, he found himself with an armful of Taehyung, the other man pulling him to his chest, peppering kisses and praises on his lips.

Chest warming at the sight of his lover’s red cheeks Taehyung continued with the kisses.

“You did such a good job, love.” He whispered against his lips and Yoongi whimpered under the attention, his feelings overwhelming him.

TAEGI SMUTS [ᵃᵒ3]  Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora