Red Bean Bun

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Ao3 by : cloudgloss

Summary :

Yoongi can't help but be afraid of predator hybrids, since he's just a little bunny. When Seokjin introduces Taehyung, a wolf hybrid, to their friend group, Yoongi’s simple world becomes quite complicated.


It was a cold day in february when Yoongi first met Taehyung. Yoongi had stumbled home through the snow, shivering, back to his shared apartment with Seokjin.

As he’d walked through the front door, he’d looked up from his hand on the silver doorknob to see a stranger sitting on his couch.

He hadn’t meant to let out a scream and slam the door shut – it wasn’t uncommon for Seokjin to bring friends over without alerting his roommate.

But the stranger’s eyes on him had been so intense, and from what Yoongi could tell from his fluffy ears and his scent, he was definitely a predator hybrid.

To make matters worse, he seemed to be some kind of wolf hybrid – a natural predator to bunnies like Yoongi.

Worst of all, he was smoking hot.

Great! absolutely fantastic.

God, just calm down, Yoongi...

Yoongi thought to himself as he hyperventilated in the hallway. Seokjin opened the door moments later with an apologetic smile.

Taehyung stood a bit behind him, hunched apologetically.

“Sorry, Yoongi-chi! I should have texted you that i invited my friend over.” Seokjin was Seokjin, and despite being an alpaca hybrid, he didn’t ever seem to be afraid of predators.

He often forgot how skittish his little roommate was. Yoongi was, of course, envious of this trait of Seokjin's.

Yoongi gave him a weak glare, trying to hide how scared he had been moments before. He hoped his breathing had calmed down.

“Please let me know next time. this was… a surprise.”

“I will! I promise.” Seokjin replied with a sheepish grin, stepping back from the doorway so Yoongi could slip through.

“This is Taehyung, by the way. I met him in my art history class!”

Yoongi was relieved to finally be in his warm apartment, about to reach for his hat and let his rabbit ears free, when he remembered he needed to protect himself in the presence of this stranger.

His breathing started to speed up again in the close proximity of Taehyung, who offered him a deliberately gentle smile and a little wave.

Taehyung was clearly fashionable and definitely a wolf.

The boy was cute in a boyish, charming way, and tall, and intimidatingly handsome, and Yoongi felt his cheeks get hot.

He averted his eyes.

“Hi, Taehyung. ’m Yoongi.” He mumbled, then scurried off to his room to hide before Taehyung could say anything else and potentially rope him into awkward conversation.

How could Seokjin do this to him!

Once he reached his room, he finally took off his hat and started to blush profusely. He’d really embarrassed himself.

Taehyung, no doubt, had been able to smell his panic and fear, and if his nose was particularly good, he might have been able to detect Yoongi’s body’s interest in him. He groaned.

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